Alan Yong

Current Position: Research Geophysicist, DOI/GD/USGS/EHT

Current Research Interests:

Awards and Advancements:

Professional Memberships:





·  Yong, A., Hough, S.E., Abrams, M.J., Cox, H.M., Wills, C.J., and Simila, G.W., (2008), Quantification of site characterization using integrated imaging analysis methods on satellite data of the Islamabad, Pakistan region, Bulletin Seismological Society of America, v98, n6, pp2679-2693.

·  Yong, A., Hough, S.E., Abrams, and Wills, C.J., (2008), Preliminary results for a semi-automated quantification of site effects using geomorphometry and ASTER satellite data for Mozambique, Pakistan and Turkey, Journal of Earth System Science, v117, nS2, pp797-808.

·  Hauksson, E., Felzer, K., Given, D., Giveon, M., Hough, S.E., Hutton, K., Kanamori, H., Sevilgen, V., Yong, A., and Wei, S., (2008) Preliminary report on the 29 July 2008 Mw5.4 Chino Hills, eastern Los Angeles basin, California, earthquake sequence, Seismological Research Letters, Seismological Research Letters, 79(6), pp855-866.

·  King, N., Yong, A., and Langbein, J., (2007), How well do GPS-derived and historic strain rates agree in southern California, Geophysical Research Letters, in review.

·  Yong, A., Hough, S.E., Wills, C.J., and Wald, D.J., (2008), Distribution of ground motions for the 2008 Mw5.4 Chino Hills earthquake, in 2008 AGU Fall Meeting in Abstracts for Oral Presentations, held in San Francisco, CA, December 15-19, 2008.

·  Thompson, M., Dhar, M.S., Pancha, A., Louie, J.N., Yong, A., and Pullammanappallil, S., (2008), Comparison of Vs30 measurements against predictions in southern California, in 2008 AGU Fall Meeting in Abstracts for Oral Presentations, held in San Francisco, CA, December 15-19, 2008.

·  Yong, A., Hough, S.E., Schwarz, S., Yu, E., Louie, J.N., and Wills, C.J., (2008) Geotechnical site characterization in California, in Proceedings and Abstracts of the 2008 SCEC Annual Meeting, September 6-11, 2007, held in Palm Springs, CA, p 197.

·  Giveon, M., Hauksson, E., Hutton, K., Kanamori, H., Wei, S., Hough, S.E., Felzer, K., Given, D., Sevilgen, V., and Yong, A., (2008) Preliminary report on the 29 July 2008 Mw5.4 Chino Hills, eastern Los Angeles basin, California, earthquake sequence, in Proceedings and Abstracts of the 2008 SCEC Annual Meeting, September 6-11, 2007, held in Palm Springs, CA, p 81.

·  Pancha, A., Louie, J.N., Yong, A., Thompson, M., and Dhar, M., (2008) Comparison of measured Vs30 values against Vs30 predictions based on topographic slope, in Proceedings and Abstracts of the 2008 SCEC Annual Meeting, September 6-11, 2007, held in Palm Springs, CA, p 96.

·  Yong, A., Hough, S.E., Pullammanappallil, S., Louie, J.N., and Abrams, M., (2008), A comparison of ReMi-interpreted Vs30 values to proxies for site conditions: a preliminary case study in Shavers Valley, California, in 2008 SSA Annual Meeting in Abstracts for the Annual Meeting, held in Santa Fe, NM, April 16-18, 2008, p 351.

·  Yong, A., Hough, S.E., Abrams, M., Hulslander, D., and Wills, C., (2007), Geophysical site characterization using space-based imagery and integrated imaging analysis methods: an overview, in 2007 AGU Fall Meeting in Abstracts for Poster Presentations, held in San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2007.

·  Yong, A., Hough, S.E., Abrams, Wills, C.J., Owens, W., Merriam, M., Schwarz, S., Dollar, R.S., Khan, M., Varghis, N., Israel, J., and Coss Y Leon, D., (2007) Geotechnical site characterization in California and beyond, in Proceedings and Abstracts of the 2007 SCEC Annual Meeting, September 8-12, 2007, held in Palm Springs, CA, p 68.

·  Wills, C.J., Silva, M., and Yong, A., (2007), Progress toward more detailed site-conditions maps in southern California, in Proceedings and Abstracts of the 2007 SCEC Annual Meeting, September 8-12, 2007, held in Palm Springs, CA, p 70.

·  Yong, A., (2007), Geophysical site characterization using geomorphology, geology and integrated digital imaging methods on satellite data, M.S. Thesis: California State University, Northridge.

·  King, N., Argus, D., Langbein, J., Agnew, D., Bawden, G., Dollar, R., Liu, Z., Galloway, D., Reichard, E., Yong, A., Webb, F.H., Bock, Y., Stark, K., and Barseghian, D., (2007), Space geodetic observation of expansion of the San Gabriel Valley, California, aquifer system, during heavy rainfall in winter 2004-2005, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2006JB004448, v112.

·  Yong, A., Hough, S.E., Wills, C., and Abrams, M., (2007), Site Characterization Using Satellite Imagery: A Progress Report, in 2007 SSA Annual Meeting in Abstracts for the Annual Meeting, held in Kona, HI, April 11-13, 2007, p 272.

·  Yong, A., Hough, S.E., Wills, C., and Abrams, M., (2006), Site characterization using satellite data, in 2006 AGU Fall Meeting in Abstracts for Oral Presentations, held in San Francisco, CA, December 11-14, 2006.

·  King, N., Yong, A., and Langbein, J., (2006), Comparison of southern California shear strain rates from triangulation, trilateration, and GPS, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G23B-1282.

·  Yong, A., Hough, S., Wills, C., Abrams, M., and Barseghian, D., (2006), A report on the geotechnical site characterization efforts in southern California, in Proceedings and Abstracts of the 2006 SCEC Annual Meeting, September 9-14, 2006, held in Palm Springs, CA, p 183.

·  Yong, A., Hough, S., Cox, H., Tiampo, K., Braverman, A., Harvey, J., Hook, S., Hudnut, K., and Simila, G., (2006), Balloons to satellites: A century of progress in geotechnical site characterization, in SSA 2006 Meeting Announcement, Seismological Society of America: Abstracts of the Annual Meeting, held in San Francisco, CA, April 17-21, 2006, Seismological Research Letters, v77 n2, p 302.

·  King, N., Argus, D., Langbein, J., Agnew, D., Dollar, R., Bawden, G., Liu, Z., Reichard, E., Yong, A., Bock, Y., Stark, K., and Barseghian, D., (2006), A GPS anomaly, probably related to hydrology, in the San Gabriel Valley, California, in SSA 2006 Meeting Announcement, Seismological Society of America: Abstracts of the Annual Meeting, held in San Francisco, CA, April 17-21, 2006, Seismological Research Letters, v77 n2, p 291.

·  Bevis, M., Hudnut, K., Sanchez, R., Toth, C., Grejner-Brzezinska, D., Kendrick, E., Caccamise, D., Raleigh, D., Zhou, H., Shan, S., Shindle, W., Yong, A., Harvey, J., Borsa, A., Ayoub, F., Elliot, B., Shrestha, R., Carter, B., Sartori, M., Phillips, D., Coloma, F., and Stark, K., (2005), The B4 project: scanning the San Andreas and San Jacinto fault zones, in 2005 AGU Fall Meeting in Abstracts for Poster Presentation, held at San Francisco, CA, December 5-9, 2005.

·  Hutton, K., Hauksson, E., Clinton, J., Franck, J., Guarino, A., Scheckel, N., Given, D., and Yong, A., (2006), Southern California Seismic Network update, Seismological Research Letters, v77 n3 p389.

·  Yong, A., Hough, S., Hudnut, K., Healy, S., Giberson, J., and Simila, G., (2005), “Geotechnical site characterization using remote sensing data: A feasibility study, in SSA 2005 Meeting Announcement, Seismological Society of America: Abstracts of the Annual Meeting, held at Lake Tahoe, NV, April 27-29, 2005. Seismological Research Letters, v76 n2, p 241.

·  Given, D., Walter, A., Worden, B., Yong, A., Appel, V., Hauksson, E., Rico, H., Saleh, T., Solanki, K., Yu, E., Gee, L., Lombard, P., Neuhauser, D., Zuzlewsky, S., Oppenheimer, D., Dietz, L., Haddadi, H., Shakal, A., Schwarz, S., and Friberg, P., (2005), Progress toward standards within the California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN), in SSA 2005 Meeting Announcement Seismological Society of America: Abstracts of the Annual Meeting, held at Lake Tahoe, NV, April 27-29, 2005. Seismological Research Letters, 76(2), 229, 2005.

·  Tinsley, J., Hough, S., Yong, A., Kanamori, H., Yu, E., Appel, V., and Wills, C., (2004) Geotechnical characterization of TriNet sites: A status report, Seismological Research Letters, 75(4), 505.

·  Yong, A., Hough, S., and Kanamori, H., (2002), Site response and site characterization of TrinNet stations, in SSA 2002 Annual Meeting Announcement Seismological Society of America: Abstracts of the 97th Annual Meeting, held at Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, April 17-19, 2002. Seismological Research Letters, 73(2), 255.

·  Fuis, G., Burdette, T., Criley, E., Murphy, J., Perron, T., Yong, A., Benthien, M., Baher, S., Clayton, R., Davis, P., Godfrey, N., Henyey,  T., Kohler, M., McRaney, J., Okaya, D., Simila, G., Keller, R., Prodehl, C., Ryberg, T., Alvarez, M., Asudeh, I., Thybo, H., and ten Brink, U.S., (1999), The Los Angeles region seismic experiment, phase II (LARSE II) — A survey to identify major faults and seismic hazards beneath a large metropolitan area, in 1999 SCEC Science Abstracts, held at Palm Springs, CA, September 29-30, 1999. 1999 SCEC Annual Meeting Program, 61, 1999.

·  Fuis, G., Murphy, J., Okaya, D., Clayton, R., Davis, P., Thygesen, K., Baher, S., Ryberg, T., Benthien, M., Simila, G., Perron, T., Yong, A., Reusser, L., Lutter, W., Kaip, G., Fort, M., Asudeh, I., Sell, R., Vanschaack, J., Criley, E., Kaderabek, R., Kohler, W., and Magnuski, N., (1999), Report for borehole explosion data acquired in the 1999 Los Angeles region seismic experiment (LARSE II), southern California: Part I, description of the survey”, USGS Open File Report 01-408.