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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

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Title 29  



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Chapter I  

Office of the Secretary of Labor



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Part 37  

Implementation of the Nondiscrimination And Equal Opportunity Provisions of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA)




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Subpart E  

Federal Procedures For Effecting Compliance

29 CFR 37.111 - What hearing procedures does the Department follow?

  • Section Number: 37.111
  • Section Name: What hearing procedures does the Department follow?

       (a) Notice of opportunity for hearing. As part of a Final 
Determination, or a Notification of Breach of a Conciliation Agreement, 
the Director must include, and serve on the grant applicant or 
recipient (by certified mail, return receipt requested), a notice of 
opportunity for hearing.
    (b) Complaint; request for hearing; answer. (1) In the case of 
noncompliance that cannot be voluntarily resolved, the Final 
Determination or Notification of Breach of Conciliation Agreement is 
considered the Department's formal complaint.
    (2) To request a hearing, the grant applicant or recipient must 
file a written answer to the Final Determination or Notification of 
Breach of Conciliation Agreement, and a copy of the Final Determination 
or Notification of Breach of Conciliation Agreement, with the Office of 
the Administrative Law Judges, 800 K Street N.W., Suite 400, 
Washington, DC 20001.
    (i) The answer must be filed within 30 days of the date of receipt 
of the Final Determination or Notification of Breach of Conciliation 
    (ii) A request for hearing must be set forth in a separate 
paragraph of the answer.
    (iii) The answer must specifically admit or deny each finding of 
fact in the Final Determination or Notification of Breach of 
Conciliation Agreement. Where the grant applicant or recipient does not 
have knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief, the answer 
may so state and the statement will have the effect of a denial. 
Findings of fact not denied are considered admitted. The answer must 
separately state and identify matters alleged as affirmative defenses, 
and must also set forth the matters of fact and law relied on by the 
grant applicant or recipient.
    (3) The grant applicant or recipient must simultaneously serve a 
copy of its filing on the Office of the Solicitor, Civil Rights 
Division, Room N-2464, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution 
Avenue N.W., Washington DC 20210.
    (4) (i) The failure of a grant applicant or recipient to request a 
hearing under this paragraph, or to appear at a hearing for which a 
date has been set, waives the right to a hearing; and
    (ii) Whenever a hearing is waived, all allegations of fact 
contained in the Final Determination or Notification of Breach of 
Conciliation Agreement are
considered admitted, and the Final Determination or Notification of 
Breach of Conciliation Agreement becomes the Final Decision of the 
Secretary as of the day following the last date by which the grant 
applicant or recipient was required to request a hearing or was to 
appear at a hearing. See Sec. 37.112(b)(3).
    (c) Time and place of hearing. Hearings will be held at a time and 
place ordered by the Administrative Law Judge upon reasonable notice to 
all parties and, as appropriate, the complainant. In selecting a place 
for the hearing, due regard must be given to the convenience of the 
parties, their counsel, and witnesses, if any.
    (d) Judicial process; evidence. (1) The Administrative Law Judge 
may use judicial process to secure the attendance of witnesses and the 
production of documents authorized by Section 9 of the Federal Trade 
Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 49).
    (2) Evidence. In any hearing or administrative review conducted 
under this part, evidentiary matters will be governed by the standards 
and principles set forth in the Uniform Rules of Evidence issued by the 
Department of Labor's Office of Administrative Law Judges, 29 CFR part 
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