../plan.css"> The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Strategic Goal 2
Promote Equal Opportunity in Employment Through Education and Technical Assistance.

Strategic Objective 2.1.
Encourage and facilitate voluntary compliance with equal employment opportunity laws among employers and employer groups in the private and federal sectors.

Performance Measures

X=the stated measure/indicator is not used for the fiscal year.

STATEMENT 1999 2000 2001
NO. Target Results Target Results Target
2.1.1. The number of consultations with employer stakeholders on operational and legal issues. (For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Appendix, cross-reference item H.] 500 1,232 1,200 1,213 1,200
2.1.2. The number of representatives of private sector and federal sector employers attending technical assistance activities, other than Revolving Fund activities. (For original wording for FY1999 and FY 2000 measures, see Appendix, cross-reference item I.) 10,000 46,500 At least 46,500 49,766 50,000
2.1.3. The number of outreach events provided to employers to encourage participation in EEOC's mediation program. X X X X 250
2.1.4. The number of small employers with approximately 15-99 employees provided EEOC's education and information materials, as part of a special outreach initiative. X X X X 5,000
2.1.5. The number of Revolving Fund activities conducted for private sector and federal sector employers. (For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Appendix, cross-reference item J.) 75 292 175 296 275
2.1.6. Develop and implement an outreach plan for fiscal years 2000-2002 to provide education and technical assistance and to proactively distribute EEOC's education and information materials to small private sector employers and to federal sector employers. (For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Appendix, cross-reference item K.) Develop plan. Plan developed Implement plan activities for FY2000. Implemented FY2000 activities. Implement plan activities for FY2001.
2.1.7. The number of outreach, education, or other technical assistance activities conducted to assist federal agencies make EEO program improvements, including establishing alternative dispute resolution (ADR) programs throughout the EEO process. X X X X At least 120
2.1.8. The number of on-site evaluations of federal agency EEO programs conducted. (For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Appendix, cross-reference item L.) X X 14 20 20

Outcome(s) Expected

Many of EEOC's outreach, education and technical assistance efforts benefit both the employer and employee communities simultaneously. Therefore, Strategic Objective 2.1 describing prevention efforts with the employer community and Strategic Objective 2.2 describing efforts for the employee community and other members of the public should be considered together. (See page 27 for Strategic Objective 2.2) The agency expects to diversify and better focus outreach activities for fiscal year 2001 to achieve the following outcomes:

In preparation for the fiscal year 2001 Annual Performance Plan, the Commission assessed its outreach, education and technical assistance measures and target values for the private sector and federal sector to design ways to serve employers and the employer community better. Beginning in fiscal year 2000, the agency redirected some of its outreach resources toward several new initiatives. As a result of a series of meetings and dialogues with stakeholders initiated by the Chairwoman, the agency learned that employers and businesses wanted the agency to expand its voluntary mediation program and provide more information materials to the public. In fiscal year 2001, we added two new measures to address these issues: (1) we will conduct 250 outreach events specifically aims at increasing employer participation in EEOC's mediation program; and (2) we will reach out to some of the smallest employers covered by our statutes - those with approximately 15-99 employees, to provide information and education materials to 5,000 of these employers. These are employers that, because of their size, often do not have a personnel department or legal counsel to provide the information they need to be cognizant of their equal employment opportunity responsibilities. In addition, a measure was added to hold at least 120 activities for federal agencies to assist them in improving their EEO programs, including the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) programs.

These new measures and the others that are retained from fiscal year 2000 will enable the agency to approach the employer community with a broad spectrum of outreach, education and technical assistance activities. Target levels have been established to allow effective delivery of service to each segment of the employer community.

Management Challenges and External Factors

The accuracy and reliability of data in the agency's automated system for recording information on most of its outreach, education and technical assistance efforts presents a challenge. The Commission is already taking steps to improve the accuracy and reliability of the data in this system, including implementation of new report formats in fiscal year 2001 to link outreach activities to significant agency initiatives, such as the Comprehensive Employment Program, its National Enforcement Plan and field offices' Local Enforcement Plans.

Also, the success of new approaches to the employer community to expand participation in mediation and focus on needs of the small business community depends on how well the initiatives are received.

Component(s) of Program Evaluations

The EEOC takes the following steps to assess its outreach, education and technical assistance programs:

Strategic Objective 2.2.
Increase knowledge about individual rights under equal employment opportunity laws among the public and employee groups.

Performance Measures

X=the stated measure/indicator is not used for the fiscal year.

STATEMENT 1999 2000 2001
NO. Target Results Target Results Target
2.2.1. The number of consultations with employee stakeholders on operational and legal issues. (For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Appendix, cross-reference item M.) 500 1,533 1,200 3,918 3,900
2.2.2. The number of employees and employee representatives provided EEOC's education and information materials, including representatives from under-served groups or communities. X X X X 30,000
2.2.3. Develop and implement an outreach plan for fiscal years 2000-2002 to inform under-served constituencies of their rights, and to proactively distribute EEOC's educational and informational materials to employee stakeholders. (For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Appendix, cross-reference item N.) Develop plan. Plan developed. Implement plan activities for FY2000. Implemented FY2000 activities. Implement plan activities for FY2001.
2.2.4. The number of additional EEOC publications most frequently requested in an alternate format and translated and available in 7 alternate languages (Spanish, Haitian/Creole, Vietnamese, Russian, Korean, Arabic and Chinese). X X X X Initiate efforts to make 15 publications available by the end of FY2002.
2.2.5. Make information about employment discrimination and the federal EEO procedures available for the approximately 2 million federal employees, using the EEOC's web site and other innovative means. X X X X Make information available.
2.2.6. Provide EEOC informational materials to federal sector employees and major employee groups identified in the prior fiscal year(s) and give appropriate follow-up assistance when contacted. X X X X Materials and assistance provided for those identified in FY2000.

Outcome(s) Expected

The outreach, education and technical assistance programs are key components of the Commission's enforcement strategy. EEOC will continue its efforts to reach the employee community and the public through a variety of initiatives which seek to:

In fiscal year 2000, the Commission implemented several new initiatives which are largely responsible for the substantial increase in consultations with employee stakeholders. For example, the agency participated in outreach, education and technical assistance activities designed to improve access to EEOC programs under the government-wide Asian American and Pacific Islander Initiative. Other initiatives included the National Origin and the Low Wage Earners Task Forces, which provided outreach and education on issues affecting national origin communities and low wage earners (immigrants, workers along the border and farm laborers).

The Commission had a banner year with these initiatives and other efforts, resulting in an unexpectantly high number of consultations in fiscal year 2000. These initiatives will continue in fiscal year 2001. The four new measures added in fiscal year 2001 aim to better serve and expand outreach to private- and federal sector employees, and under-served communities. These measures focus on increasing access to EEOC information and education materials, which is paramount to the Commission's ability to reach its constituents. One added measure seeks to provide education and information materials to 30,000 employees, including under-served groups or communities. This effort will increase awareness of employees rights, employers responsibilities and EEOC's enforcement authority. Also, in recognition of the increased diversity of the population, as reflected in the recent decennial census, a measure was added to make 15 of EEOC's most frequently requested publications available in an alternative format accessible to the sight impaired and in seven different languages (Spanish, Haitian/Creole, Vietnamese, Russian, Korean, Arabic and Chinese). Lastly, two measures were added to inform federal employees about employment discrimination and provide assistance to those federal employee groups identified in an earlier initiative in fiscal year 2000.

All of the Commission's measures under Strategic Objective 2.2, taken together, strengthen its ability to reach its constituents through a broad spectrum of outreach, education and technical assistance activities.

Management Challenges and External Factors

The type of data collected, its accuracy and reliability, and the type of analytical reports generated for analysis are all areas to address to ensure that the information is accurate and relevant to the needs of management. The Commission is taking steps to improve the accuracy and reliability of data in its Automated Outreach System, including implementation of new report formats in fiscal year 2001 to link outreach activities to significant agency initiatives.

Component(s) of Program Evaluations

The EEOC takes the following steps to assess its outreach, education and technical assistance programs:

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This page was last modified on May 3, 2001.

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