Tomalis Named Acting Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education
Archived Information

July 23, 2003
Contact: Susan Aspey
Dan Langan
(202) 401-1576

U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige today announced that President Bush intends to designate Ronald Tomalis to be acting assistant secretary for elementary and secondary education. Tomalis currently serves as chief of staff to the under secretary's office and plays a key role in policy and management issues affecting elementary and secondary education.

Regarding the appointment, Secretary Paige said: "Ron is a proven leader and a key player in our efforts to implement No Child Left Behind. He was instrumental in the approval of the state accountability plans and I am confident in his abilities to lead the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education during this period of transition."

The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education is responsible for directing, coordinating and recommending policy for programs designed: to assist state and local education agencies to improve the achievement of elementary and secondary school students; to help ensure equal access to services leading to such improvement for all children, particularly children who are economically disadvantaged; to foster educational improvement at the state and local levels; and to provide financial assistance to local education agencies whose local revenues are affected by federal activities.

Prior to joining the department, Tomalis was executive deputy secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the state's second-highest ranking education post. Before that, he served in the U.S. Department of Justice.

Tomalis earned his bachelor's degree in political science from Dickinson College. He is a native of Camp Hill, Pa., and lives with his family in Maryland.



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Last Modified: 08/16/2004