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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter I  

Office of the Secretary of Labor



Part 17  

Intergovernmental Review of Department of Labor Programs and Activities

29 CFR 17.12 - How may a state simplify, consolidate, or substitute federally required state plans?

  • Section Number: 17.12
  • Section Name: How may a state simplify, consolidate, or substitute federally required state plans?

    (a) As used in this section:
    (1) Simplify means that a state may develop its own format, choose 
its own submission date, and select the planning period for a state 
    (2) Consolidate means that a state may meet statutory and regulatory 
requirements by combining two or more plans into one document and that 
the state can select the format, submission date, and planning period 
for the consolidated plan.
    (3) Substitute means that a state may use a plan or other document 
that it has developed for its own purposes to meet Federal requirements.
    (b) If not consistent with law, a state may decide to try to 
simplify, consolidate, or substitute federally required state plans 
without prior approval by the Secretary.
    (c) The Secretary reviews each state plan that a state has 
simplified, consolidated, or substituted and accepts the plan only if 
its contents meet Federal requirements.
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