DOT News

Wednesday, March 21, 2001      
Contact:  Patricia Klinger
               Damon A. Hill
Tel: (202) 366-4831
RSPA  08-01

Transportation Department Awards $9.5 Million Contract in Support of Pipeline Integrity Management Initiatives

In keeping with President Bush’s commitment to a safe and reliable energy supply now and in the future, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced the award of a three-year, $9.5 million contract to the Cycla Corporation of Alexandria, Va., in support of the department’s pipeline integrity management initiative.

 “We must ensure that the nearly two million miles of pipelines that make up the nation’s pipeline system remain among the safest ways to move oil, natural gas and other products that power our economy,” Secretary Mineta said.

Under the contract, Cycla will support the department’s Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA) as it implements its pipeline integrity management initiative and associated new rules.  The department believes that recent high-consequence accidents could have been prevented if operators had made better use of available information about their pipelines.  The rules therefore require operators to develop and implement comprehensive integrity management programs which incorporate new testing requirements as well as risk assessment and management methods.  The programs must address such risks as outside force, corrosion, human errors and material defects. 

OPS has already issued the first rule affecting nearly 87 percent of federally regulated hazardous liquid pipelines.  Cycla analyses and information systems also will be used to support the development of similar rules for additional pipelines under federal or state oversight, including pipelines transporting natural gas.


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