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Publications submitted after final report for Center:

EPA Harvard Center for Ambient Particle Health Effects

Grant Number R827353

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  • Journal Article (78)
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    Journal Article Adamkiewicz G, Ebelt S, Syring M, Slater J, Speizer FE, Schwartz J, Suh H, Gold DR. Association between air pollution exposure and exhaled nitric oxide in an elderly population. Thorax 2004;59(3):204-209. R827353C003 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Full-text: Thorax Full Text
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  • Journal Article Adar SD, Adamkiewicz G, Gold DR, Schwartz J, Coull B A, Suh H. Ambient and microenvironmental particles and exhaled nitric oxide before and after a group bus trip. Environmental Health Perspectives 2007;115(4):507-512. R827353C003 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Associated PubMed link
  • Journal Article Adar SD, Gold DR, Coull BA, Schwartz J, Stone PH, Suh H. Focused exposures to airborne traffic particles and heart rate variability in the elderly. Epidemiology 2007;18(1):95-103. R827353C003 (Final) (08/23/07)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Alexeeff SE, Litonjua AA, Suh H, Sparrow D, Vokonas PS, Schwartz J. Ozone exposure and lung function: effect modified by obesity and airways hyperresponsiveness in the VA Normative Aging Study. Chest 2007;132(6):1890-1897. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
    R832416 (2006) (09/09/08)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Alexeeff SE, Litonjua AA, Sparrow D, Vokonas PS, Schwartz J. Statin use reduces decline in lung function: VA Normative Aging Study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2007;176(8):742-747. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
    R832416 (2006) (09/09/08)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Baccarelli A, Martinelli I, Zanobetti A, Grillo P, Hou LF, Bertazzi PA, Mannucci PM, Schwartz J. Exposure to particulate air pollution and risk of deep vein thrombosis. Archives of Internal Medicine 2008;168(9):920-927. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
    R832416 (2006) (09/09/08)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Baccarelli A, Cassano PA, Litonjua A, Park SK, Suh H, Sparrow D, Vokonas P, Schwartz J. Cardiac autonomic dysfunction: effects from particulate air pollution and protection by dietary methyl nutrients and metabolic polymorphisms. Circulation 2008;117(14):1802-1809. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
    R832416 (2006) (09/09/08)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Bateson TF, Schwartz J. Selection bias and confounding in case-crossover analyses of environmental time-series data. Epidemiology 2001;12(6):654-661. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Other: Epidemiology PDF
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  • Journal Article Braga ALF, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. Do respiratory epidemics confound the association between air pollution and daily deaths? European Respiratory Journal 2000;16(4):723-728. R827353 (Final) (12/12/07)
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  • Other: European Respiratory Journal PDF
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  • Journal Article Braga ALF, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. The effect of weather on respiratory and cardiovascular deaths in 12 U.S. cities. Environmental Health Perspectives 2002;110(9):859-863. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Braga ALF, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. The lag structure between particulate air pollution and respiratory and cardiovascular deaths in 10 US cities. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;43(11):927-933. R827353 (Final) (12/12/07)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Braga ALF, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. The time course of weather-related deaths. Epidemiology 2001;12(6):662-667. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Chahine T, Baccarelli A, Litonjua AA, Wright RO, Suh H, Gold DR, Sparrow D, Vokonas PS, Schwartz J. Particulate air pollution, oxidative stress genes, and heart rate variability in an elderly cohort. Environmental Health Perspectives 2007;115(11):1617-1622. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
    R832416 (2006) (09/09/08)
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  • Journal Article Chen JC, Schwartz J. Metabolic syndrome and inflammatory responses to long-term particulate air pollutants. Environmental Health Perspectives 2008;116(5):612-617. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
    R832416 (2006) (09/09/08)
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  • Journal Article Coull BA, Schwartz J, Wand MP. Respiratory health and air pollution: additive mixed model analyses. Biostatistics 2001;2(3):337-349. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Demokritou P, Gupta T, Koutrakis P. A high volume apparatus for the condensational growth of ultrafine particles for inhalation toxicological studies. Aerosol Science and Technology 2002;36(11):1061-1072. R827353 (Final) (03/17/08)
    R827353C017 (Final) (02/28/08)
  • Abstract: InformaWorld Abstract
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  • Journal Article Demokritou P, Gupta T, Ferguson S, Koutrakis P. Development and laboratory performance evaluation of a personal cascade impactor. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2002;52(10):1230-1237. R827353C017 (Final) (08/29/07)
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  • Journal Article Demokritou P, Gupta T, Ferguson S, Koutrakis P. Development of a high-volume concentrated ambient particles system (CAPS) for human and animal inhalation toxicological studies. Inhalation Toxicology 2003;15(2):111-129. R827353 (Final) (12/11/07)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Dockery DW, Luttmann-Gibson H, Rich DQ, Link MS, Mittleman MA, Gold DR, Koutrakis P, Schwartz JD, Verrier RL. Association of air pollution with increased incidence of ventricular tachyarrhythmias recorded by implanted cardioverter defibrillators. Environmental Health Perspectives 2005;113(6):670-674. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Dubowsky SD, Suh H, Schwartz J, Coull BA, Gold DR. Diabetes, obesity, and hypertension may enhance associations between air pollution and markers of system ic inflammation. Environmental Health Perspectives 2006;114(7):992-998. R827353C003 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Franco Suglia S, Gryparis A, Wright RO, Schwartz J, Wright RJ. Association of black carbon with cognition among children in a prospective birth cohort study. American Journal of Epidemiology 2008;167(3):280-286. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
    R832416 (2006) (09/09/08)
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  • Journal Article Ghelfi E, Rhoden CR, Wellenius GA, Lawrence J, Gonzalez-Flecha B. Cardiac oxidative stress and electrophysiological changes in rats exposed to concentrated air particles are mediated by TRP-dependent pulmonary reflexes. Toxicological Sciences 2008;102(2):328-336. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
    not available
    Journal Article Gold DR, Litonjua AA, Zanobetti A, Coull BA, Schwartz J, MacCallum G, Verrier RL, Nearing BD, Canner MJ, Suh H, Stone PH. Air pollution and ST-segment depression in elderly subjects. Environmental Health Perspectives 2005;113(7):883-887. R827353C003 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Gryparis A, Coull BA, Schwartz J, Suh HH. Semiparametric latent variable regression models for spatiotemporal modeling of mobile source particles in the greater Boston area. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 2007;56(2):183-209. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
  • Abstract: Blackwell-Synergy Abstract
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  • Journal Article Hopke PK, Ito K, Mar T, Christiansen WF, Eatough DJ, Henry RC, Kim E, Laden F, Lall R, Larson TV, Liu H, Neas L, Pinto J, Stölzel M, Suh H, Paatero P, Thurston GD. PM source apportionment and health effects: 1. Intercomparison of source apportionment results. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2006;16(3):275-286. R827353C017 (Final) (08/27/07)
    R827354 (Final) (01/17/08)
    R827354C001 (Final) (01/15/08)
    R827355 (Final) (05/07/08)
    R827355C008 (Final) (05/02/08)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: NATURE Full Text
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  • Journal Article Liu Y, Koutrakis P, Kahn R. Estimating fine particulate matter component concentrations and size distributions using satellite-retrieved fractional aerosol optical depth:Part 1-method development. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2007;57(11):1351-1359. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
    R832416 (2006) (09/09/08)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Liu Y, Koutrakis P, Kahn R, Turquety S, Yantosca RM. Estimating fine particulate matter component concentrations and size distributions using satellite-retrieved fractional aerosol optical depth: Part 2--a case study. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2007;57(11):1360-1369. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
    R832416 (2006) (09/09/08)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Luttmann-Gibson H, Suh HH, Coull BA, Dockery DW, Sarnat SE, Schwartz J, Stone PH, Gold DR. Short-term effects of air pollution on heart rate variability in senior adults in Steubenville, Ohio. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2006;48(8):780-788. R827353C003 (Final) (08/23/07)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Maynard D, Coull BA, Gryparis A, Schwartz J. Mortality risk associated with short-term exposure to traffic particles and sulfates. Environmental Health Perspectives 2007;115(5):751-755. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
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  • Full-text: Environmental Health Perspectives Full Text
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  • Journal Article McCracken JP, Smith KR, Diaz A, Mittleman MA, Schwartz J. Chimney stove intervention to reduce long-term wood smoke exposure lowers blood pressure among Guatemalan women. Environmental Health Perspectives 2007;115(7):996-1001. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
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  • Journal Article Medina-Ramon M, Zanobetti A, Cavanagh DP, Schwartz J. Extreme temperatures and mortality: assessing effect modification by personal characteristics and specific cause of death in a multi-city case-only analysis. Environmental Health Perspectives 2006;114(9):1331-1336. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Medina-Ramon M, Schwartz J. Temperature, temperature extremes, and mortality: a study of acclimatisation and effect modification in 50 US cities. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2007;64(12):827-833. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Abstract: BMJ Abstract
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  • Journal Article O’Neill MS. Air conditioning and heat-related health effects. Applied Environmental Science and Public Health 2003;1(1):9-12. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
    not available
    Journal Article O’Neill MS, Jerrett M, Kawachi I, Levy JI, Cohen AJ, Gouveia N, Wilkinson P, Fletcher T, Cifuentes L, Schwartz J. Health, wealth, and air pollution: advancing theory and methods. Environmental Health Perspectives 2003;111(16):1861-1870. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article O’Neill MS, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. Modifiers of the temperature and mortality association in seven US cities. American Journal of Epidemiology 2003;157(12):1074-1082. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article O’Neill MS, Loomis D, Borja Aburto VH, Gold D, Hertz-Picciotto I, Castillejos M. Do associations between airborne particles and daily mortality in Mexico City differ by measurement method, region, or modeling strategy? Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology 2004;14(6):429-439. R827353 (Final) (01/23/08)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article O’Neill MS, Veves A, Zanobetti A, Sarnat JA, Gold DR, Economides PA, Horton ES, Schwartz J. Diabetes enhances vulnerability to particulate air pollution-associated impairment in vascular reactivity and endothelial function. Circulation 2005;111(22):2913-2920. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Full-text: American Heart Association Full Text
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  • Journal Article O’Neill MS, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. Disparites by race in heat-related mortality in four US cities: the role of air conditioning prevalence. Journal of Urban Health 2005;82(2):191-197. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article O’Neill MS, Hajat S, Zanobetti A, Ramirez-Aguilar M, Schwartz J. Impact of control for air pollution and respiratory epidemics on the estimated associations of temperature and daily mortality. International Journal of Biometeorology 2005;50(2):121-129. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article O’Neill MS, Veves A, Sarnat JA, Zanobetti A, Gold DR, Economides PA, Horton ES, Schwartz J. Air pollution and inflammation in type 2 diabetes: a mechanism for susceptibility. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2007;64(6):373-379. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Park SK, Schwartz J, Weisskopf M, Sparrow D, Vokonas PS, Wright RO, Coull B, Nie H, Hu H. Low-level lead exposure, metabolic syndrome, and heart rate variability: the VA Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2006;114(11):1718-1724. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
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  • Journal Article Park SK, O’Neill MS, Vokonas PS, Sparrow D, Wright RO, Coull B, Nie H, Hu H, Schwartz J. Air pollution and heart rate variability: effect modification by chronic lead exposure. Epidemiology 2008;19(1):111-120. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
    R832416 (2006) (09/09/08)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Park SK, O’Neill MS, Vokonas PS, Sparrow D, Spiro A III, Tucker KL, Suh H, Hu H, Schwartz J. Traffic-related particles are associated with elevated homocysteine: the VA Normative Aging Study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2008;178(3):283-289. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
    R832416 (2006) (09/09/08)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Peters A, Dockery DW, Muller JE, Mittleman MA. Increased particulate air pollution and the triggering of myocardial infarction. Circulation 2001;103(23):2810-2815. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Rich DQ, Schwartz J, Mittleman MA, Link M, Luttmann-Gibson H, Catalano PJ, Speizer FE, Dockery DW. Association of short-term ambient air pollution concentrations and ventricular arrhythmias. American Journal of Epidemiology 2005;161(12):1123-1132. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Rich DQ, Mittleman MA, Link MS, Schwartz J, Luttmann-Gibson H, Catalano PJ, Speizer FE, Gold DR, Dockery DW. Increased risk of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation episodes associated with acute increases in ambient air pollution. Environmental Health Perspectives 2006;114(1):120-123. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Ruiz PA, Lawrence JE, Wolfson JM, Ferguson ST, Gupta T, Kang CM, Koutrakis P. Development and evaluation of a photochemical chamber to examine the toxicity of coal-fired power plant emissions. Inhalation Toxicology 2007;19(8):597-606. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Ruiz PA, Gupta T, Kang CM, Lawrence JE, Ferguson ST, Wolfson JM, Rohr AC, Koutrakis P. Development of an exposure system for the toxicological evaluation of particles derived from coal-fired power plants. Inhalation Toxicology 2007;19(8):607-619. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Sarnat JA, Koutrakis P, Suh HH. Assessing the relationship between personal particulate and gaseous exposures of senior citizens living in Baltimore, MD. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2000;50(7):1184-1198. R827353C001 (2000) (08/29/07)
    R827353C001 (2001) (08/29/07)
    R827353C001 (2002) (08/29/07)
    R827353C001 (2003) (08/29/07)
    R827353C001 (2004) (08/29/07)
    R827353C001 (Final) (08/29/07)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Sarnat SE, Suh HH, Coull BA, Schwartz J, Stone PH, Gold DR. Ambient particulate air pollution and cardiac arrhythmia in a panel of older adults in Steubenville, Ohio. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2006;63(10):700-706. R827353C003 (Final) (08/23/07)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Schwartz J. Assessing confounding, effect modification, and thresholds in the association between ambient particles and daily deaths. Environmental Health Perspectives 2000;108(6):563-568. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Schwartz J. Daily deaths are associated with combustion particles rather than SO2 in Philadelphia. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2000;57(10):692-697. R827353 (Final) (08/27/07)
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  • Journal Article Schwartz J, Ballester F, Saez M, Perez-Hoyos S, Bellido J, Cambra K, Arribas F, Canada A, Perez-Boillos MJ, Sunyer J. The concentration-response relation between air pollution and daily deaths. Environmental Health Perspectives 2001;109(10):1001-1006. R827353C005 (2000) (08/29/07)
    R827353C005 (2002) (08/29/07)
    R827353C005 (2003) (08/29/07)
    R827353C005 (Final) (08/29/07)
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  • Journal Article Schwartz J. The use of epidemiology in environmental risk assessment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2002;8(6):1253-1265. R827353 (Final) (01/23/08)
  • Abstract: Ingenta Connect Abstract
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  • Journal Article Schwartz J. Is the association of airborne particles with daily deaths confounded by gaseous air pollutants? An approach to control by matching. Environmental Health Perspectives 2004;112(5):557-561. R827353 (Final) (01/23/08)
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  • Full-text: Environmental Health Perspectives Full Text
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  • Journal Article Schwartz J. The effects of particulate air pollution on daily deaths: a multi-city case crossover analysis. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2004;61(12):956-961. R827353 (Final) (12/11/07)
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  • Journal Article Schwartz J. Who is sensitive to extremes of temperature? A case-only analysis. Epidemiology 2005;16(1):67-72. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Schwartz J. Comments on "Model Choice in Time Series Studies of Air Pollution and Mortality." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 2006;169(2):179-203. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
    not available
    Journal Article Wellenius GA, Schwartz J, Mittleman MA. Air pollution and hospital admissions for ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke among Medicare beneficiaries. Stroke 2005;36(12):2549-2553. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Wellenius GA, Bateson TF, Mittleman MA, Schwartz J. Particulate air pollution and the rate of hospitalization for congestive heart failure among Medicare beneficiaries in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. American Journal of Epidemiology 2005;161(11):1030-1036. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Wellenius GA, Schwartz J, Mittleman MA. Particulate air pollution and hospital admissions for congestive heart failure in seven United States cities. The American Journal of Cardiology 2006;97(3):404-408. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Wellenius GA, Yeh GY, Coull BA, Suh HH, Phillips RS, Mittleman MA. Effects of ambient air pollution on functional status in patients with chronic congestive heart failure: a repeated-measures study. Environmental Health 2007;6:26. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
    R832416 (2006) (09/09/08)
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  • Journal Article Wellenius GA, Mittleman MA. Disparities in myocardial infarction case fatality rates among the elderly: the 20-year Medicare experience. American Heart Journal 2008;156(3):483-490. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
    not available
    Journal Article Wheeler A, Zanobetti A, Gold DR, Schwartz J, Stone P, Suh HH. The relationship between ambient air pollution and heart rate variability differs for individuals with heart and pulmonary disease. Environmental Health Perspectives 2006;114(4):560-566. R827353C003 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Dockery D. Airborne particles are a risk factor for hospital admissions for heart and lung disease. Environmental Health Perspectives 2000;108(11):1071-1077. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Gold D. Are there sensitive subgroups for the health effects of airborne particles? Environmental Health Perspectives 2000;108(9):841-845. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Zanobetti A, Wand MP, Schwartz J, Ryan LM. Generalized additive distributed lag models: quantifying mortality displacement. Biostatistics 2000;1(3):279-292. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. Race, gender, and social status as modifiers of the effects of PM10 on mortality. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2000;42(5):469-474. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. Are diabetics more susceptible to the health effects of airborne particles? American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2001;164(5):831-833. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Samoli E, Gryparis A, Touloumi G, Atkinson R, Le Tertre A , Bobros J, Celko M, Goren A, Forsberg B, Michelozzi P, Rabczenko D, Aranguez Ruiz E, Katsouyanni K. The temporal pattern of mortality responses to air pollution: a multicity assessment of mortality displacement. Epidemiology 2002;13(1):87-93. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. Cardiovascular damage by airborne particles: Are diabetics more susceptible? Epidemiology 2002;13(5):588-592. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Samoli E, Gryparis A, Touloumi G, Peacock J, Anderson RH, Le Tertre A , Bobros J, Celko M, Goren A, Forsberg B, Michelozzi P, Rabczenko D, Hoyos SP, Wichmann HE, Katsouyanni K. The temporal pattern of respiratory and heart disease mortality in response to air pollution. Environmental Health Perspectives 2003;111(9):1188-1193. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. The effect of particulate air pollution on emergency admissions for myocardial infarction: a multicity case-crossover analysis. Environmental Health Perspectives 2005;113(8):978-982. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Environmental Health Perspectives Full Text
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  • Journal Article Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. Air pollution and emergency admissions in Boston, MA. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2006;60(10):890-895. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. Particulate air pollution, progression, and survival after myocardial infarction. Environmental Health Perspectives 2007;115(5):769-775. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
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  • Journal Article Zeka A, Schwartz J. Estimating the independent effects of multiple pollutants in the presence of measurement error:an application of a measurement-error-resistant technique. Environmental Health Perspectives 2004;112(17):1686-1690. R827353 (Final) (09/09/08)
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  • Journal Article Zeka A, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. Individual-level modifiers of the effects of particulate matter on daily mortality. American Journal of Epidemiology 2006;163(9):849-859. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Journal Article Zeka A, Sullivan JR, Vokonas PS, Sparrow D, Schwartz J. Inflammatory markers and particulate air pollution: characterizing the pathway to disease. International Journal of Epidemiology 2006;35(5):1347-1354. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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  • Report Schwartz J, Zanobetti A, Bateson T. Morbidity and mortality among elderly residents of cities with daily PM measurements. In Revised Analyses of Time-Series Studies of Air Pollution and Health. Special Report. Boston, MA, Health Effects Institute, 2003, pp. 25-58. R827353C004 (Final) (08/23/07)
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