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Project Staffing PE/PE Guidelines

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These guidelines will be used to determine the current project staffing process used by the XX DOT for making staff projections for the entire Construction Division.

  1. How are staffing projections made for upcoming construction seasons? Is data compiled from individual districts to make these projections? Are any long range (3-5 years) staffing projections made? Are needs determined for individual districts? Are needs and projections based on approved STIP?
  2. Does the Director of Construction have the authority to move personnel from district to district when staffing shortages are evident? If allowable, how is this accomplished?
  3. Does the XX DOT have any current staffing guidelines/standards available? Do these standards provide for staffing projects of different sizes, types and complexity?
  4. What are the qualification requirements for District Construction Engineers, Area Supervisors, and Project Supervisors?
  5. Does the XX DOT have any qualification requirements for construction technicians? Are there any certification requirements for these positions?
  6. Does the XX DOT have a classification plan for these positions? If so, are copies available?
  7. Does the XX DOT have the correct staff for their workload? Is the staff balanced for the workload in the district?
  8. Does the XX DOT have any requirements for ratio of engineers to technicians?
  9. Are there any constraints on staffing? If so, what are the sources of these constraints?
  10. What problems do the XX DOT have in staffing construction projects?
  11. Has the XX DOT ever conducted a study to determine their staffing needs? If so, are copies available?
  12. Has the XX DOT ever considered implementing a Construction Engineering Workforce Information System (CEWIS)?
  13. How does the XX DOT ensure that inspectors are provided with adequate transportation and other items?
  14. How does the XX DOT recruit engineers and technicians?
  15. How does the XX DOT ensure that adequate training opportunities are available to engineers and technicians?
  16. Are career development programs available to engineers and technicians?
  17. What construction engineering functions have been assigned to contractors? What else has the XX DOT done to shift construction engineering functions to contractors?
  18. Is the XX DOT considering the use of private consultants on future construction projects? If so, what type of projects will these services be used? Has the WVDOH developed procedures to administer the consultants to ensure that quality work is obtained?

This part of the questionnaire will be used to determine the current project staffing processes used by the XX DOT districts and to determine their staffing needs, projections and staff utilization on active projects.

  1. How are staffing projections determined tor upcoming construction seasons? Is the section in the 1980 Construction Manual used to assist you in this endeavor? If this is not used, are there any guidelines or standards available that you use?
  2. How do the guidelines/standards provide for staffing projects of different sizes, types and complexity?
  3. How are personnel assigned to projects?
  4. How is inspection staffing related to contractor's level of activity?
  5. How is inspection staffing related to project quality?
  6. Do you have the appropriate staff for your workload ? (both numbers and experience levels)
  7. Is the staff balanced for workload by district?
  8. Are there any constraints on staffing? What are the sources of constraint?
  9. What problems do you have in staffing construction projects?
  10. Are inspectors provided with adequate transportation and other equipment?
  11. How do you recruit engineers, technicians?
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Joe Huerta
Resource Center (Baltimore)
E-mail Joe

This page last modified on 06/05/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration