[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 46, Volume 4]
[Revised as of October 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 46CFR107.235]

[Page 113-114]
                           TITLE 46--SHIPPING
                 Subpart B--Inspection and Certification
Sec. 107.235  Servicing of hand portable fire extinguishers, semi-portable fire extinguishers and fixed fire-extinguishing systems.

    (a) Each hand portable fire extinguisher and each semi-portable fire 
extinguisher on board the unit must be serviced as set out in Table 
107.235 and examined for excessive corrosion and general condition.

                              Table 107.235
       Type extinguisher               Test and servicing required
Soda Acid......................  Discharge, clean hose and inside of
                                  extinguisher thoroughly. Recharge.
Foam...........................  Discharge, clean hose and inside of
                                  extinguisher thoroughly. Recharge.
Pump Tank (water or antifreeze)  Discharge, clean hose and inside of
                                  extinguisher thoroughly. Recharge with
                                  clean water or antifreeze.
Cartridge operated (water,       Examine pressure cartridge and replace
 antifreeze or loaded stream).    if end is punctured or if cartridge is
                                  otherwise determined to have leaked or
                                  to be in unsuitable condition. Remove
                                  liquid, clean hose and inside of
                                  extinguisher thoroughly. Recharge with
                                  clean water, solution, or antifreeze.
                                  Insert charged cartridge.
Carbon Dioxide.................  Weigh cylinders. Recharge if weight
                                  loss exceeds 10 percent. Inspect hose
                                  and nozzle to be sure they are clear.

[[Page 114]]

Dry chemical (cartridge-         Examine pressure cartridge and replace
 operated type).                  if end is punctured or if cartridge is
                                  otherwise determined to have leaked or
                                  to be in unsuitable condition. Inspect
                                  hose and nozzle to see if they are
                                  clear. Insert charged cartridge. Be
                                  sure dry chemical is free-flowing (not
                                  caked) and chamber contains full
Dry chemical (stored pressure    See that pressure gage is in operating
 type).                           range. If not, or if seal is broken,
                                  weigh or otherwise determine that full
                                  charge of dry chemical is in
                                  extinguisher. Recharge if pressure is
                                  low or if dry chemical is needed.

    (b) Each fixed fire-extinguishing system must be examined for 
excessive corrosion and general condition and be serviced by--
    (1) Recharging the cylinders of each carbon dioxide system, if the 
weight loss is more than 10% of the weight of the charge;
    (2) Testing each foam system, except premix systems by--
    (i) Discharging foam for approximately 15 seconds from a nozzle 
designated by the marine inspector;
    (ii) Discharging water from all other lines and nozzles; and
    (iii) Taking a sample of the foam liquid and submitting it to the 
manufacturer or his authorized representative for determination of its 
specific gravity, PH, percentage of water dilution, and solid content, 
and certification as a suitable firefighting foam;
    (3) Removing the pressure cartridge of each premix aqueous film 
forming foam system and replacing the cartridge if the seal is 
punctured, sampling the premix solution in accordance with the 
manufacturer's instructions, and replacing cylinders that are 
    Note: All carbon dioxide cylinders and discharge hoses of semi-
portable carbon dioxide and halon extinguishers must be tested and 
marked in accordance with Secs. 147.60 and 147.65 of this chapter.

[CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56802, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD 84-044, 53 FR 
7749, Mar. 10, 1988]