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Healthy Recipe 2     next recipe >

Turkey Meatloaf
1 lb lean ground turkey
1/2 c regular dry oats
1 large egg
1 Tbsp dried onion
1/4 c ketchup

Nutrition Information
Yield: 5 servings
Serving size: 1 slice
Each serving provides:
* Calories: 191
* Total fat: 7 g
* Saturated fat: 2 g
* Cholesterol: 102 mg
* Sodium: 205 mg
* Fiber: 1 g
* Protein: 22 g
* Carbohydrate: 9 g
* Potassium: 268 mg

Recipe Abbreviations [PDF - 121 KB] External Link

  1. Combine all ingredients and mix well.
  2. Bake in loaf pan at 350° F or to internal temperature of 165° F for 25 minutes.
  3. Cut into 5 slices and serve.

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Start Today: Small Steps
  • Print out this food diary to keep track of what you eat.
  • Make a shopping list with healthy snacks like fruit and non-fat yogurt.
  • Send an e-card to encourage a friend or family member to eat healthy foods.

Learn how eating healthy relates to heart disease; overweight and obesity; and colorectal cancer.

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