Public Land Statistics

Land Resources and Information Healthy Productive Lands Commercial Uses and Revenues Generated Recreation and Leisure Activities Preserve Natural and Cultural Heritage Health, Safety and Resource Protection

This website contains links to Public Land Statistics published by the Bureau of Land Management. Public Land Statistics provides annual reports on land and mineral uses, animal populations, recreational uses, and more. This site offers both Public Land Statistics Active Reports directly from the BLM's Land & Mineral Records System - called Legacy Rehost 2000 or LR2000 as well as the current and historical published Public Land Statistics. Any link with the word "active report" in parenthesis behind the fiscal year (FY) date goes to the Active Reports and links with the word "pdf" in parenthesis behind the fiscal year date go to the published Public Land Statistics.

The above images link to each category of the Public Land Statistics. Click on the images above or on the links to the left to access the most recent Public Land Statistics by Section. Links to the complete current and historical Public Land Statistics are below.

The Active Reports are being run for the current fiscal year except from Oct. 1st to Jan when they will be for the previous fiscal year. Only some of the Public Land Statistics are available as Active Reports. The advantage of the Active Reports is that they provide information on the current fiscal year before the published statistics come out in April of the following year. Each report is listed by Category and Section number as published in the Public Land Statistics. The Active Reports can be displayed as pie charts, graphs, or in tables. Please see the Help Guide to learn more about the Active Reports from LR2000. Below is an example of how the reports are listed on this website:

3-9c Grazing Permits and Leases in Force FY 2007 (pdf)
FY 2008
(active report)
  • pdf reports - go to the published Public Land Statistics
  • active report - goes to the Active Report from the LR2000 system

Below are the complete Public Land Statistics in PDF for the last 12 years. Look for the "Click Here to Continue" at the bottom of the report page to run the report.

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Last updated: 04-13-09