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Find a Mediator or Facilitator

    A neutral third party, such as a mediator or facilitator, can often be helpful in preventing and resolving conflict. Neutral third parties play a variety of roles, including facilitating discussions, providing parties with a "reality check" on the merits and value of their claims, assisting with creative problem solving, and writing agreements that reflect the needs of the parties.  EPA's Conflict Prevention and Resolution Center (CPRC) assists EPA headquarters, Regional, and field staff in evaluating the need for a neutral third party and identifying a source.

    External third parties are individuals and organizations outside EPA that assist in dispute resolution and conflict prevention. The sponsoring EPA office typically pays the fees for external neutral third parties in whole or in part.  Depending on the circumstances, other parties or offices also contribute. The CPRC can help EPA staff in determining which type of procurement mechanism is most appropriate for external neutral third parties.

    A list of potential EPA-specific sources for neutral third parties is provided below for informational purposes.  To make the fullest possible use of these and other sources, EPA staff are encouraged to contact the CPRC, whose staff members are knowledgeable about selecting and ulitizing neutral third party services.  The CPRC staff can help by identifying a variety of options and make a selection that is tailored to individual or organizational needs.  Individuals and offices that are considering the use of a neutral third party should contact the CPRC (adr@epa.gov or 202.564.2922), who is available to assist you or refer you to another CPRC staff member for consultation.

EPA-Specific Sources of Neutral Third Parties


Other Federal Sources of Neutral Third Parties

    This information being linked to by the U.S. EPA Web site is provided as a service to visitors to the EPA Web site. The U.S. EPA is not associated with or responsible for the content of these sites.

    A growing number of federal agencies are sources of neutral third parties for a various kinds of conflicts. Examples of such agencies are listed below for informational purposes.

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