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Highway Statistics 2007

Public Road Length - 2007 1/ Miles by Ownership and Federal-Aid Highways National Summary

October 2008
Table HM-16

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State Highway Agency 29,081 81,583 110,664 330,541 441,205 193,747 634,952
County - 206 206 218,268 218,474 1,381,373 1,599,847
Town, Township, Municipal 2/ - 80 80 10,488 10,568 571,065 581,633
Other Jurisdictions 1,311 385 1,696 2,255 3,951 44,699 48,650
Federal Agency - 110 110 6,159 6,269 119,511 125,780
Total Rural 30,392 82,364 112,756 567,711 680,467 2,310,395 2,990,862
Small Urban Areas:
State Highway Agency 2,175 7,411 9,586 20,930 30,516 6,592 37,108
County - 31 31 8,936 8,967 22,710 31,677
Town, Township, Municipal 2/ - 141 141 24,763 24,904 107,046 131,950
Other Jurisdictions 82 23 105 125 230 774 1,004
Federal Agency - - - 179 179 652 831
Total Small Urban Area 2,257 7,606 9,863 54,933 64,796 137,774 202,570
Urbanized Areas:
State Highway Agency 13,179 22,034 35,213 54,251 89,464 22,177 111,641
County 9 1,056 1,065 41,218 42,283 112,557 154,840
Town, Township, Municipal 2/ 9 2,985 2,994 104,573 107,567 471,255 578,822
Other Jurisdictions 1,088 687 1,775 970 2,745 2,681 5,426
Federal Agency - 80 80 210 290 4,072 4,362
Total Urbanized Area 14,285 26,842 41,127 201,222 242,349 612,742 855,091
Total Urban:
State Highway Agency 15,354 29,445 44,799 75,180 119,979 28,768 148,749
County 9 1,087 1,096 50,154 51,250 135,267 186,517
Town, Township, Municipal 2/ 9 3,126 3,135 129,335 132,470 578,302 710,772
Other Jurisdictions 1,170 710 1,880 1,095 2,975 3,455 6,430
Federal Agency - 80 80 389 469 4,724 5,193
Total Urban 16,542 34,448 50,990 256,153 307,143 750,516 1,057,661
Total Rural and Urban 46,934 116,812 163,746 823,864 987,610 3,060,911 4,048,523

1/ Includes the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
Indiana excludes 788 miles of Federal agecny owned roads.
Minnesota excludes 437 miles of local government owned roads.

2/ Prior to 1999, municipal was included with other jurisdictions.

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This page last modified on 12/15/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration