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May 9, 2009   
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Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace.  Photos representing the workforce - Digital Imagery© copyright 2001 PhotoDisc, Inc.

Drug-Free Work Week
Agency/Industry Speeches

For Pre-DFWW Speeches (General)

  • An important safety and health event, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, will come to life this fall. National Drug-Free Work Week takes place <DATES>.
  • Now in its third year, the annual Drug-Free Work Week campaign is a perfect time to remind employers and employees alike that reducing workplace alcohol and drug abuse is an essential part of keeping workplaces safe.
  • Activities during the week will highlight why "working drug-free works," and affirm the importance of protecting the safety of America's working men and women by eliminating drug and alcohol use on the job.
  • It's exciting to think that thousands nationwide will be observing Drug-Free Work Week this October. And indeed, the true spirit of the week will lie in activities conducted by individual employers and their employees.
  • Businesses, unions and associations in every industry and every sector are encouraged to observe the week with appropriate programs and activities, and to advance Drug-Free Work Week's positive messages throughout the year.
  • The Working Partners Web site - - features a variety of suggestions on how to take part in the week. Don't miss the chance to get involved in this national effort to improve workplace safety and health and encourage workers with alcohol or drug problems to seek help.
  • It's worth noting that, although Drug-Free Work Week is a dedicated time each year to place special emphasis on the importance of working drug free, in a safe and healthy workplace, every week should be Drug-Free Work Week.

For Speeches During DFWW

  • This week marks an important safety and health event: National Drug-Free Work Week.
  • Now in its third year, the annual Drug-Free Work Week campaign plays an important role - it reminds employers and employees alike that reducing workplace alcohol and drug abuse is an essential part of keeping workplaces safe.
  • Activities this week will highlight why "working drug-free works," and affirm the importance of protecting the safety of America's working men and women by eliminating drug and alcohol use on the job.
  • It's exciting to think that thousands nationwide are observing Drug-Free Work Week, even as we speak. And indeed, the true spirit of the week lies in activities conducted by individual employers and their employees - during Drug-Free Work Week, and throughout the year.
  • From live workplace educational programs, to brochure distribution, to alcohol-free social events, businesses, unions and associations in every industry and every sector are taking advantage of the Drug-Free Work Week opportunity.
  • It's worth noting that although Drug-Free Work Week is a dedicated time each year to place special emphasis on the importance of working drug free, in a safe and healthy workplace, every week is Drug-Free Work Week.
  • You can learn more about this week's festivities, and drug-free workplaces in general, by visiting DOL's Working Partners Web site:



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