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Selected Vegetables/Sun's Soup (PDQ®)     
Last Modified: 02/15/2007
Patient Version
Questions and Answers About Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup

  1. What is Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup?

    “Selected Vegetables” and “ Sun's Soup ” are names given to several different mixtures of vegetables and herbs that are being studied as treatments for cancer and other medical conditions, including acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The following versions have been used:

  2. What is the history of the discovery and use of Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup as a complementary and alternative treatment for cancer?

    The vegetable and herb mixture now called Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup was created by Dr. Alexander Sun to treat cancer.

    • In the mid-1980's, Sun created the mixture to treat a relative who was diagnosed with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer and not helped by standard treatment. The mixture contained shiitake mushroom, mung bean, and the herbs Hedyotis diffusa and barbat skullcap. Sun believed these ingredients contain substances that may block the growth of cancer cells and/or help the body's immune system attack cancer cells. The relative was reported to be alive and free of cancer more than 13 years later. Three more patients with advanced cancer were treated with a combination of shiitake mushroom and mung bean. These patients were also reported to benefit from the treatment.

    • In 1992, Sun applied for a patent for Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup as an herbal treatment of cancer. He reported on animal studies done in mice (see Question 5 1). Sun then began doing clinical trials (see Question 6 2) to test Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup in cancer patients.

    • In 1995, Sun was awarded a patent for Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup.

    • In 1998, Sun reported at a scientific meeting that patients with different types of cancer had been helped by treatment with Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup.

    Many of the vegetables and herbs in Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup were chosen because previous research and traditional Chinese medicine suggest they contain anticancer phytochemicals (substances found in plants that may have effects on the body). These include substances such as protease inhibitors, plant sterols, and isoflavones. These ingredients may block the growth of cancer cells and/or improve the way the body's immune system attacks cancer cells.

  3. What is the theory behind the claim that Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup is useful in treating cancer?

    The theory is that certain ingredients in Selected Vegetables/Sun's Soup may contain phytochemicals that have significant anticancer effects in humans. One of these ingredients is shiitake mushroom. Lentinan, which is taken from shiitake mushroom, has been used in Japan to treat stomach and colon cancer after surgery. Treatment with lentinan is reported to help patients with stomach cancer live longer and have a better quality of life. Lentinan may not be easily absorbed by the body from food, so it is usually given by injection. Other substances in shiitake mushroom that are more easily used by the body from food have shown anticancer activity in animal tests.

  4. How is Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup administered?

    Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup is eaten as part of the diet. Daily doses of either 1 ounce of the DSV (mixed with water or other soup) or 10 ounces of the FSV were used in clinical trials.

  5. Have any preclinical (laboratory or animal) studies been conducted using Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup?

    Few preclinical studies have been done with Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup. Research in a laboratory or using animals is done to find out if a drug, procedure, or treatment is likely to be useful in humans. Preclinical studies are done before clinical trials (in humans) are begun.

    A small number of mice were injected with tumor cells and fed either standard food or food mixed with one or more ingredients from Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup. The researchers reported that the growth of tumors was slower in the mice that were fed the Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup ingredients, compared to the mice that ate standard food. The tumor growth was slowest when the mice were fed both mung bean and shiitake mushroom.

  6. Have any clinical trials (research studies with people) of Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup been conducted?

    Clinical trials using Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup to treat cancer have been done with small numbers of patients. These patients received other types of treatment, either before or during treatment with Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup, and different vegetable mixtures were used in the different studies.

    The results of these trials were compared with published information on similar patients who did not receive Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup. Most patients receiving the vegetable mixtures lived longer, were better able to carry out their daily activities, and either gained weight or did not lose weight. In some patients who ate Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup, tumor growth slowed or the tumor completely went away. Because patients in these trials received other treatments, it is not known if their responses were caused by Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup, the other treatments, or both. None of the trials were randomized or controlled. Randomized clinical trials give the highest level of evidence. In randomized trials, volunteers are put randomly (by chance) into one of 2 or more groups that compare different treatments. In a controlled trial, one group (called the control group) does not receive the new treatment being studied. The control group is then compared to the groups that receive the new treatment, to see if the new treatment works. Randomized controlled trials, enrolling larger numbers of people, are needed to confirm the results of studies done so far on Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup.

    One randomized clinical trial of patients with stage IIIB or stage IV non-small cell lung cancer is now being conducted. The trial is comparing the survival of patients receiving Selected Vegetables/Sun's Soup with patients receiving a placebo (inactive substance). Both groups are receiving treatment with supportive care, such as radiation therapy, surgery, or palliative care. [1]

  7. Have any side effects or risks been reported from Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup?

    No harmful side effects or risks have been reported in the use of Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup. Some patients felt full or bloated after eating the dry form, but patients who ate the frozen mixture did not report this.

  8. Is Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as a cancer treatment in the United States?

    The FDA has not approved any form of Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup for the treatment of cancer or any other medical condition. Well-designed clinical trials that test identical mixtures of vegetables and herbs are needed to prove whether Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup is useful in treating cancer.


  1. Sacks H, Sun Farm Corporation: Phase III Randomized Study of a Dietary Supplement Comprising Selected Vegetables-Sun's Soup in Patients With Stage IIIB or IV Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Undergoing Treatment With Best Supportive Care, SFC-SV002, Clinical trial, Approved-not yet active.  [PDQ Clinical Trial] 3

Glossary Terms

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (uh-KWY-erd IH-myoo-noh-dih-FIH-shun-see SIN-drome)
A disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). People with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome are at an increased risk for developing certain cancers and for infections that usually occur only in individuals with a weak immune system. Also called AIDS.
advanced cancer (ad-VANST KAN-ser)
Cancer that has spread to other places in the body and usually cannot be cured or controlled with treatment.
angelica root (an-JEH-lih-kuh root)
The root of any of a group of herbs called Angelica. It has been used in some cultures to treat certain medical problems, including gastrointestinal problems such as loss of appetite, feelings of fullness, and gas.
animal study (AN-ih-mul STUH-dee)
A laboratory experiment using animals to study the development and progression of diseases. Animal studies also test how safe and effective new treatments are before they are tested in people.
cancer (KAN-ser)
A term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues. Cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. There are several main types of cancer. Carcinoma is cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs. Sarcoma is cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue. Leukemia is cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow, and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood. Lymphoma and multiple myeloma are cancers that begin in the cells of the immune system. Central nervous system cancers are cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord.
cell (sel)
The individual unit that makes up the tissues of the body. All living things are made up of one or more cells.
clinical trial
A type of research study that tests how well new medical approaches work in people. These studies test new methods of screening, prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of a disease. Also called clinical study.
colon cancer (KOH-lun KAN-ser)
Cancer that forms in the tissues of the colon (the longest part of the large intestine). Most colon cancers are adenocarcinomas (cancers that begin in cells that make and release mucus and other fluids).
control group
In a clinical trial, the group that does not receive the new treatment being studied. This group is compared to the group that receives the new treatment, to see if the new treatment works.
diagnosis (DY-ug-NOH-sis)
The process of identifying a disease, such as cancer, from its signs and symptoms.
The things a person eats and drinks.
dietary supplement (DY-uh-TAYR-ee SUH-pleh-ment)
A product that is added to the diet. A dietary supplement is taken by mouth, and usually contains one or more dietary ingredient (such as vitamin, mineral, herb, amino acid, and enzyme). Also called nutritional supplement.
The amount of medicine taken, or radiation given, at one time.
Any substance, other than food, that is used to prevent, diagnose, treat or relieve symptoms of a disease or abnormal condition. Also refers to a substance that alters mood or body function, or that can be habit-forming or addictive, especially a narcotic.
An agency in the U.S. federal government whose mission is to protect public health by making sure that food, cosmetics, and nutritional supplements are safe to use and truthfully labeled. The FDA also makes sure that drugs, medical devices, and equipment are safe and effective, and that blood for transfusions and transplant tissue are safe. Also called Food and Drug Administration.
A method used to dry substances, such as food, to make them last longer. The substance is frozen and then dried in a vacuum.
garlic (GAR-lik)
A European plant that has a bulb used to flavor food. It has also been used in some cultures to treat certain medical conditions including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, infections, and cancer. The scientific name is Allium sativum.
An herb with a root that has been used in cooking, and by some cultures to treat nausea, vomiting, and certain other medical conditions. It is being studied in the treatment of nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy. The scientific name is Zingiber officianale.
An herb with a root that has been used in some cultures to treat certain medical problems. It may have anticancer effects.
hawthorn fruit
The fruit of the hawthorn tree or bush. It has been used in some cultures to treat certain medical problems, including heart problems and gastrointestinal problems.
Hedyotis diffusa
An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat certain medical problems. It has been used to boost the immune system and may have anticancer effects.
herbal (ER-bul)
Having to do with plants.
immune system (ih-MYOON SIS-tem)
The complex group of organs and cells that defends the body against infections and other diseases.
Use of a syringe and needle to push fluids or drugs into the body; often called a "shot."
An estrogen-like substance made by some plants, including the soy plant. Soy isoflavones are being studied in the prevention of cancer, hot flashes that occur with menopause, and osteoporosis (loss of bone density).
A beta-glucan (a type of polysaccharide) from the mushroom Lentinus edodes (shiitake mushroom). It has been studied in Japan as a treatment for cancer.
mung bean
A type of bean grown in warm climates, usually for its seed and for bean sprouts. Mung bean may have anticancer effects.
A measure of weight (one-sixteenth pound) and volume (one-eighth cup).
palliative care (PA-lee-uh-tiv...)
Care given to improve the quality of life of patients who have a serious or life-threatening disease. The goal of palliative care is to prevent or treat as early as possible the symptoms of a disease, side effects caused by treatment of a disease, and psychological, social, and spiritual problems related to a disease or its treatment. Also called comfort care, supportive care, and symptom management.
phytochemical (FY-toh-KEH-mih-kuhl)
A substance found in plants. Some phytochemicals may reduce the risk of cancer.
An inactive substance or treatment that looks the same as, and is given the same way as, an active drug or treatment being tested. The effects of the active drug or treatment are compared to the effects of the placebo.
plant sterol (... STEER-ol)
A plant-based compound that can compete with dietary cholesterol to be absorbed by the intestines, resulting in lower blood cholesterol levels. Plant sterols may have some effect in cancer prevention. Also called phytosterol.
preclinical study
Research using animals to find out if a drug, procedure, or treatment is likely to be useful. Preclinical studies take place before any testing in humans is done.
protease inhibitor
A compound that interferes with the ability of certain enzymes to break down proteins. Some protease inhibitors can keep a virus from making copies of itself (for example, AIDS virus protease inhibitors), and some can prevent cancer cells from spreading.
quality of life
The overall enjoyment of life. Many clinical trials assess the effects of cancer and its treatment on the quality of life. These studies measure aspects of an individual’s sense of well-being and ability to carry out various activities.
radiation therapy (RAY-dee-AY-shun THAYR-uh-pee)
The use of high-energy radiation from x-rays, gamma rays, neutrons, protons, and other sources to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation may come from a machine outside the body (external-beam radiation therapy), or it may come from radioactive material placed in the body near cancer cells (internal radiation therapy). Systemic radiation therapy uses a radioactive substance, such as a radiolabeled monoclonal antibody, that travels in the blood to tissues throughout the body. Also called irradiation and radiotherapy.
randomized clinical trial
A study in which the participants are assigned by chance to separate groups that compare different treatments; neither the researchers nor the participants can choose which group. Using chance to assign people to groups means that the groups will be similar and that the treatments they receive can be compared objectively. At the time of the trial, it is not known which treatment is best. It is the patient's choice to be in a randomized trial.
red date
The fruit of the jujube plant. It has been used in some cultures to treat certain medical problems.
response (reh-SPONTS)
In medicine, an improvement related to treatment.
A person who has studied science, especially one who is active in a particular field of investigation.
Scutellaria barbata
An herb that belongs to a group of herbs named the Scutellaria species or scullcap. Both the root and the above-ground part have been used to make herbal medicines. The root has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat lung cancer and other medical problems.
senega root
The root of an herb called Polygala senega. It has been used in some cultures to treat certain medical problems, including problems of the respiratory system.
shiitake mushroom (shee-TAH-kee ...)
A dark oriental mushroom widely used as a food. Several anticancer substances have been found in shiitake mushrooms, including lentinan, which has been studied in Japan as a treatment for stomach and colorectal cancer. The scientific name is Lentinus edodes.
side effect
A problem that occurs when treatment affects healthy tissues or organs. Some common side effects of cancer treatment are fatigue, pain, nausea, vomiting, decreased blood cell counts, hair loss, and mouth sores.
A product from a plant of Asian origin that produces beans used in many food products. Soybean contains isoflavones (estrogen-like substances) that are being studied for the prevention of cancer, hot flashes that occur with menopause, and osteoporosis (loss of bone density). Soybean in the diet may lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Also called Glycine max, soy, and soya.
stage III non-small cell lung cancer (... KAN-ser)
Stage III is divided into stages IIIA and IIIB. In stage IIIA, cancer has spread to lymph nodes on the same side of the chest as the tumor; the tumor may be any size and cancer may have spread to the main bronchus, the chest wall, the diaphragm, the pleura around the lungs, or the membrane around the heart, but cancer has not spread to the trachea; and part or all of the lung may have collapsed or developed pneumonitis (inflammation of the lung). In stage IIIB, the tumor may be any size and has spread to lymph nodes above the collarbone or in the opposite side of the chest from the tumor; AND/OR to any of the following places: the heart, major blood vessels that lead to or from the heart, the chest wall, the diaphragm, the trachea, the esophagus, the sternum (chest bone) or backbone, to more than one place in the same lobe of the lung, and/or into the fluid of the pleural cavity surrounding the lung.
stage IV non-small cell lung cancer (... KAN-ser)
Cancer that may have spread to lymph nodes and has spread to another lobe of the lungs or to other parts of the body, such as the brain, liver, adrenal glands, kidneys, or bone.
standard therapy (...THAYR-uh-pee)
In medicine, treatment that experts agree is appropriate, accepted, and widely used. Health care providers are obligated to provide patients with standard therapy. Also called best practice and standard of care.
stomach cancer (STUH-muk KAN-ser)
Cancer that forms in tissues lining the stomach. Also called gastric cancer.
Sun's Soup (sunz soop)
A mixture of vegetables and other edible plants that has been studied in the treatment of cancer. The vegetables include soybean, shiitake mushroom, mung bean, red date, scallion, garlic, leek, lentil, Hawthorn fruit, onion, ginseng, Angelica root, licorice, dandelion root, senega root, ginger, olive, sesame seed, and parsley. Sun’s Soup is available in the United States as a dietary supplement.
Adding nutrients to the diet.
supportive care
Care given to improve the quality of life of patients who have a serious or life-threatening disease. The goal of supportive care is to prevent or treat as early as possible the symptoms of a disease, side effects caused by treatment of a disease, and psychological, social, and spiritual problems related to a disease or its treatment. Also called comfort care, palliative care, and symptom management.
surgery (SER-juh-ree)
A procedure to remove or repair a part of the body or to find out whether disease is present. An operation.
traditional Chinese medicine (truh-DIH-shuh-nul chy-NEEZ MEH-dih-sin)
A medical system that has been used for thousands of years to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease. It is based on the belief that qi (the body's vital energy) flows along 20 meridians (channels) throughout the body and keeps a person’s spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health in balance. Traditional Chinese medicine aims to restore the body’s balance and harmony between the natural opposing forces of yin and yang, which can block qi and cause disease. Traditional Chinese medicine includes acupuncture, diet, herbal therapy, meditation, physical exercise, and massage. Also called Oriental medicine and TCM.
tumor (TOO-mer)
An abnormal mass of tissue that results when cells divide more than they should or do not die when they should. Tumors may be benign (not cancer), or malignant (cancer). Also called neoplasm.

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