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Patient Version   Health Professional Version   Last Modified: 01/16/2009
Table 3. Use of Helixor in Cancer Treatment: Clinical Reports Describing Therapeutic Endpointsa

Reference Citation(s)   Type of Study  Type(s) of Cancer  No. of Patients: Enrolled; Treated; Controlb  Strongest Benefit Reportedc  Concurrent Therapyd  Level of Evidence Scoree 
[19] Randomized trial Breast, stages I–III 692; 192; 274 Improved survival Yes 1iiA
[17] Randomized trial Colorectal, metastatic 60; 20; 20 Improved mean survival Yes 1iiA
[18] Nonrandomized controlled trialf Colorectal, recurrent or metastatic 40; 19; 20 Improved mean survival Yesg 2A

No. = number.
aSee text and the NCI Dictionary for additional information and definition of terms.
bNumber of patients treated plus number of patients controlled may not equal number of patients enrolled; number of patients enrolled = number of patients initially recruited/considered by the researchers who conducted a study; number of patients treated = number of enrolled patients who were administered the treatment being studied AND for whom results were reported; historical control subjects are not included in number of patients enrolled.
cStrongest evidence reported that the treatment under study has anticancer activity or otherwise improves the well-being of cancer patients.
dChemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, or cytokine therapy administered/allowed at the same time as mistletoe therapy.
eFor information about levels of evidence analysis and an explanation of the level of evidence scores, see Levels of Evidence for Human Studies of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
fThis trial was planned as a randomized trial; however, the randomization scheme failed.
gThe patients received either chemotherapy only (n = 20) or chemotherapy plus Helixor (n = 20).


  1. Douwes FR, Wolfrum DI, Migeod F: [Results of a prospective randomized study: chemotherapy versus chemotherapy plus "biological response modifier" in metastasizing colorectal carcinoma]. Dtsch Z Onkol 18 (6): 155-64, 1986. 

  2. Douwes FR, Kalden M, Frank G, et al.: [Treatment of advanced colorectal carcinoma: efficacy test of the combination of 5-fluorouracil and tetrahydrofolic acid versus 5-fluorouracil and tetrahydrofolic acid in combination with an optimized Helixor treatment]. Dtsch Z Onkol 21 (3): 63-7, 1988. 

  3. Gutsch J, Berger H, Scholz G, et al.: [Prospective study in radically operated breast cancer with polychemotherapy, Helixor® and untreated controls]. Dtsch Z Onkol 21: 94-101, 1988. 

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
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