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You are here: Methods
Laboratory methods
Experimental techniques to analyze and test samples in a place equipped and designed for the work.
Chemical analysis (29 items)
Core analysis (8 items)
Culturing (specimens) (1 items)
Faunal and floral census (microscopic) (1 items)
Grain-size analysis (2 items)
Isotopic analysis (15 items)
Microscopy (4 items)
Paleomagnetic analysis (3 items)
Plant and animal testing (4 items)
Therapeutic methods (1 items)
Tree ring analysis (1 items)
Camera calibration (1 items)
Age estimation methods (5 items)

Results 51 - 60 of 67 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Paleontology at the U.S. Geological Survey [New Window]
USGS Paleontology home page documenting the wide diversity in paleontologic studies and applications within the USGS.
Parking-lot sealcoat: A major source of PAHs in urban and suburban environments [New Window]
Explanation of chemical contaminants released into aquatic environments by popular sealcoating compounds used in parking lots, with frequently-asked questions, links, and contact information.
Periodic table page [New Window]
An "image map" periodic table and short notes about many isotopes and their applications to illustrate the uses of assorted isotopes in hydrology, geology, and biology.
Pesticide National Synthesis Project: national assessment of pesticides in streams, rivers, and ground water of the United States [New Window]
Homepage for the Pesticide National Synthesis Project, an assessment of pesticides in national water resources, with links to national reports, national statistics, national data, pesticide use, analytical strategy, and standards for the U.S.
Reservoir sediment studies in Kansas [New Window]
Report of completed reservoir sediment studies in Kansas using a combination of bathymetric surveying, sediment coring, chemical analysis, and statistical analysis to understand the quantity and quality of deposited sediment.
Scientific capabilities [New Window]
Links to information on laboratory and field scientific techniques and equipment used and maintained for geologic research in the USGS. Site is incomplete and information is not available for some of the links.
Scientists discover analog for extraterrestrial life in Idaho Hot Springs [New Window]
Report on a community of microscopic organisms, Archaea, found deep in an Idaho hot spring living on hydrogen and carbon dioxide that could possibly exist on other planets. Includes links to related studies, investigators, and microbiology.
Spectroscopy Lab [New Window]
Links to Spectroscopy Lab projects to identify and map materials through spectroscopic remote sensing (imaging spectroscopy, hyperspectral imaging, imaging spectrometry, ultraspectral imaging, etc) on the Earth and in space.
Spectroscopy of rocks and minerals, and principles of spectroscopy [New Window]
Technical review of the principles of spectroscopy and its use in identifying minerals and other materials.
The Chesapeake Bay bolide: modern consequences of an ancient cataclysm [New Window]
Presentation that the location of Chesapeake Bay may have been predetermined by a Eocene bolide, an extraterrestrial body, impacting the Earth in the vicinity of the Delmarva Peninsula at high velocity and exploding to create a large crater.
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