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May 9, 2009   
DOL Home > FOIA > E.O. 13392
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Areas Selected For Improvement

Improve Communication with Requesters.

  • Outreach to the Requester Community and Solicitation of Input.
  • Acknowledgement Letters.
  • Communication Practices with Requesters.

Increase Web Presence and Proactive Disclosure.

  • Improve DOL Web site Information on FOIA.
  • Required Affirmative Disclosure.
  • Proactive Disclosure.

Improve FOIA Tracking and Control Systems.

Consider Increased Use of Electronic Tools in FOIA Processing.

Encourage and Improve Multi-track Processing and Expedited Processing.

Increase Appeals Processing Capacity, Backlog Reduction and Improved Timeliness.

  • Initial Requests.
  • Appeals.

Enhance Staff Expertise and Training.

  • Formal Training and Meetings.
  • Make Resource Material More Readily Available.

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