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Success Story

New weaving skills provide woman a chance to support her family
Grant Opens "a Window of Mercy"
Photo: YASP
Balagh Ahmed Abdullah learns to weave a traditional Yemeni "ma'awez" in a USAID- funded training program.
Unable to read or write, Balagh now hopes to use her talent and newly learned skills to continue weaving from her home.

When Balagh Ahmed Abdullah first heard of the training the Hawa Charity Association for Women offered on weaving the traditional Yemeni “ma’awaz” (skirt-like garments worn by men), she felt as if the “sky had opened a window of mercy” for her and her family.

Balagh is one of the best trainees in the initial weaving training being sponsored by USAID. Unable to read or write, she is pleased to have the opportunity to learn a skill she can use to support her family, as Balagh’s husband is often unable to find work to support his small family.

She is among the smartest and fastest trainees among the initial class of twenty, all of whom have been chosen based on need. During the first month of training, she was able to complete 14 garments.

Balagh was also happy to learn that she would receive her own loom upon completing the two-month-long training. The loom will allow her to weave the garments at home, which she can then sell either to small shops or directly to people herself. She hopes to earn enough money to buy a second loom and teach one of her relatives to work with her.

She is working very hard to learn everything she can about weaving these garments to make her dream come true. Thanks to the training she is receiving, she feels confident in her ability to make clothing to help support her family.

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