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ESA's Mission

The Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA) is the bureau within the U.S. Department of Commerce where economic and social changes are chronicled, understood, and explained.

Originally named the Office of Economic Affairs, ESA was created in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy to coordinate the formation of U.S. economic policy.

ESA provides broad and targeted economic data, analyses and forecasts for use by Government agencies, businesses and others, as well as develops domestic and international economic policy.

Many important political and business decisions are based upon the economic and demographic information produced by ESA and its components: the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), U.S. Census Bureau, and STAT-USA.

ESA has three primary missions:

  • Maintain the highest possible quality Federal statistical system and make improvements where warranted and feasible.
  • Communicate a vision of the key forces at work in the economy and of the opportunities they create for improving the well-being of all Americans.
  • Support the information and analytical needs of the Department of Commerce and the Executive Branch.


About ESA

Meet the Under Secretary
Meet the Chief Economist

Economic Indicators
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