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Big Bend National Park
Self-Guiding Trails

All of the following trails and walks have self-guiding booklets available to provide additional insight into the natural and cultural features you may encounter.

The trail guide booklets are available at trailheads and the Panther Junction Visitor Center.

Window View Trail | Window Trail | Lost Mine Trail | Panther Path | Dagger Flat Auto Trail | Hot Springs Historic District | Rio Grande Village Nature Trail | Castolon Historic District

Window View Trail Guide cover

Window View Trail
This trail begins at the Chisos Basin trailhead and circles the low hill to the west. An excellent location to view sunset through The Window. Handicapped accessible. This guide booklet can also be obtained at the Chisos Basin visitor center.
Trail guide cost—25¢
more information about the trail...

Window Trail Guide cover

Window Trail
One of the most popular hikes in the park, the Window trail decends from the Bain developed area to the base of The Window. Guide provides information on the plants, animals, and geology encountered along this trail, as well as important safety information.
Trail guide cost—$1.00
more information about the trail...

Lost Mine Trail Guide cover

Lost Mine Trail
Possibly the premier dayhike in the Chisos Mountains, this trail serves as an excellent introduction to the plants and animals of the High Chisos. A 4.8 mile round-trip, the trail begins at 5,600' elevation and leads upward to a ridge separating Pine and Juniper canyons.
Trail guide cost—$1.00
more information about the trail...

A blast from the past: 1956 Lost Mine Trail guide [1.68mb PDF file]

Panther Path Trail Guide cover

Panther Path
This short trail winds through a desert garden in front of the Panther Junction visitor center. Fifteen minutes spent on the path will provide an excellent orientation to many of the cacti and other common plants that inhabit the Chihuahuan Desert.
Trail guide cost—$1.00

Dagger Flat Auto Trail Guide cover

Dagger Flat Auto Trail
Take this self-guided auto trail, for seven miles, to a fl at desert area where a unique forest of Giant Dagger Yuccas is located. As you drive, you will discover how many of Big Bend’s common native plants have specially adapted to the Chihuahuan desert ecosystem. You will be rewarded by learning to recognize these plants and their fascinating characteristics.
Trail guide cost—$1.00

Hot Springs Historic District Guide cover

Hot Springs Historic District
Located at the end of a two-mile dirt road (not accessible to RVs or wide-body vehicles), this walk explores the remains of an early resort built around the healing waters of the hot spring here.
Trail guide cost—$1.00
more information about the Hot Springs Historic District...

Rio Grande Village Nature Trail Guide cover

Rio Grande Village Natural Trail
This trail begins near campsite 18 in the Rio Grande Village campground and provides access to the Rio Grande and views of the river valley. The nature trail crosses a beaver pond, and provides excellent wildlife viewing opportunities.
Trail guide cost—$1.00
more information about the trail...

Castolon Historic District Guide cover

Castolon Historic District
A short, self-guided walk highlighting the unique history of this border community. Guide booklet also includes a driving tour and is also available at the Castolon store and visitor center.
Trail guide cost—$1.00
more information about the Castolon Historic District...

Bear and Lion Country  

Did You Know?
In the spring of 2004, visitors reported a black bear sighting every 2.5 days while mountain lion sightings averaged 1 every 3.6 days.

Last Updated: July 25, 2006 at 00:23 EST