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Part 350: Commercial motor carrier safety assistance program

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Examples: Medical Form, 391.53, 391
UpAll Regulations

350.101 - 350.111 Subpart A—General  
350.101 What is the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP)?  
350.103 What is the purpose of this part?  
350.105 What definitions are used in this part?  
350.107 What jurisdictions are eligible for MCSAP funding?  
350.109 What are the national program elements?  
350.111 What constitutes traffic enforcement for the purpose of the MCSAP?  
350.201 - 350.217 Subpart B—Requirements for participation  
350.201 What conditions must a State meet to qualify for Basic Program Funds?  
350.203 [Reserved]  
350.205 How and when does a State apply for MCSAP funding?  
350.207 What response does a State receive to its CVSP submission?  
350.209 How does a State demonstrate that it satisfies the conditions for Basic Program funding?  
350.211 What is the format of the certification required by §350.209?  
350.213 What must a State CVSP include?  
350.215 What are the consequences for a State that fails to perform according to an approved CVSP or otherwise fails to meet the conditions of this part?  
350.217 [Removed]  
350.301 - 350.345 Subpart C—Funding  
350.301 What level of effort must a State maintain to qualify for MCSAP funding?  
350.303 What are the State and Federal shares of expenses incurred under an approved CVSP?  
350.305 Are U.S. Territories subject to the matching funds requirement?  
350.307 How long are MCSAP funds available to a State?  
350.309 What activities are eligible for reimbursement under the MCSAP?  
350.311 What specific items are eligible for reimbursement under the MCSAP?  
350.313 How are MCSAP funds allocated?  
350.315 How may Basic Program Funds be used?  
350.317 What are Incentive Funds and how may they be used?  
350.319 What are permissible uses of High Priority Activity Funds?  
350.321 What are permissible uses of New Entrant Funds?  
350.323 What criteria are used in the Basic Program Funds allocation?  
350.325 [Reserved]  
350.327 How may States qualify for Incentive Funds?  
350.329 How may a State or local agency qualify for High Priority or New Entrant Funds?  
350.331 How does a State ensure its laws and regulations are compatible with the FMCSRs and HMRs?  
350.333 What are the guidelines for the compatibility review?  
350.335 What are the consequences if my State has laws or regulations incompatible with the Federal regulations?  
350.337 How may State laws and regulations governing motor carriers, CMV drivers, and CMVs in interstate commerce differ from the FMCSRs and still be considered compatible?  
350.339 What are tolerance guidelines?  
350.341 What specific variances from the FMCSRs are allowed for State laws and regulations governing motor carriers, CMV drivers, and CMVs engaged in intrastate commerce and not subject to Federal jurisdiction?  
350.343 How may a State obtain a new exemption for State laws and regulations for a specific industry involved in intrastate commerce?  
350.345 How does a State apply for additional variances from the FMCSRs?  
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