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USAID Employee Survey 2005

ANE Services

USAID 2005 SURVEY: Margin Favorable -- ANE Services

Question 2004 2005 Change 05/04
ANE Bureau staff effectively represents Mission interests to the Agency external stakeholders 74.1 68.9 -5.2
ANE Bureau staff effectively represents Mission interests to the Agency internal stakeholders 72.3 68.5 -3.8
ANE Bureau provides timely and accurate allowance of OE and Program resources to field Missions 56.6 47.0 -9.6
ANE Bureau administrative services are meeting my needs 58.3 49.7 -8.6
ANE Bureau strategic planning and budget formulation services are meeting my needs 52.8 45.3 -7.5
ANE Bureau communicates clearly, sufficiently, transparently and in a timely manner 53.1 56.3 3.2
I receive sound guidance, analysis and technical support from bureau staff 57.2 56.9 -0.3
Overall, ANE Bureau is meeting my needs 64.8 64.1 -0.7

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