Employee Related Files, Agency-1

System Number: Agency-1

System name: Employee Related Files

System location: This system of records is located at the supervisory or administrative office level at all General Services Administration (GSA) facilities and commissions, committees, and small agencies serviced by GSA.

Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals covered by the system are current and former employees of GSA and of commissions, committees, and small agencies serviced by GSA; applicants for employment; employees of other agencies for employee relief bills; volunteer workers; and uncompensated persons.

Categories of records in the system: The records in this system include information on individuals such as name, social security number, birth, home and emergency addresses and telephone numbers, telephone call detail records, personnel actions, professional registration, qualifications, training, congressional employees relief bills, injuries, employment history, awards and other recognition, counseling, warnings, reprimands, grievances, appeals, conduct, leave, pay, attendance, work assignments, performance, assessments, permit and pass applications, indebtedness complaints, travel and outside employment.

Authority for maintenance of the system: Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended (63 Stat. 377); Title 5 U.S.C. generally; and Title 31 U.S.C. generally.

Purpose: To assemble in one system information affecting employees and uncompensated workers. To accomplish the above, this system starts requests for personnel actions, plans and schedules training, counsels employees on their performance, sets up a basis for proposing recommendations for disciplinary actions, and carries out general personnel management responsibilities.

Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories of users and the purposes of such use:

  1. To disclose information to a Federal, State, local, or foreign agency responsible for investigating, prosecuting, enforcing, or carrying out a statute, rule, regulation, or order, where the agencies become aware of a violation or potential violation of civil or criminal law or regulation.

  2. To disclose information to a Member of Congress or a congressional staff member in response to an inquiry from that congressional office made at the request of that individual.

  3. To disclose information to an expert, a consultant, or contractor of the agency in performing a Federal duty.

  4. To disclose information to a requesting Federal agency in connection with hiring or retaining an employee; issuing a security clearance; reporting an employee investigation; clarifying a job; letting a contract; or issuing a license, grant, or other benefit by the requesting agency where the information is relevant and necessary for a decision.

  5. To disclose information to an appeal, grievance, or formal complaints examiner; equal employment opportunity investigator; arbitrator; exclusive representative or other official engaged in investigating or settling a grievance, complaint, or appeal filed by an employee.

  6. To disclose information to the Office of Personnel for reports of civilian employment. When official personnel records in the custody of GSA are covered in systems or records published by the Office of Personnel Management as Government-wide records, they are considered part of that system. Other official personnel records covered by notices published by GSA and are separate systems of records may be transferred to the Office of Personnel Management under official personnel programs and activities as a routine use.

  7. To disclose information to the Federal Parent Locator Service to assist in locating noncustodial parents and their employers.

Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, and disposing of records in the system:

Storage: Paper records in file folder, card files and cabinets and computer records within a computer and attached equipment.

Retrievability: Filed by name and/or social security number at each location.

Safeguards: Records stored in lockable containers or secured rooms. Computerized records protected by password system.

Retention and disposal : Disposal of records as described in the HB, GSA Records Maintenance and Disposition System (OAD P 1820.2A). Records are reviewed annually, documents are updated, and irrelevant documents destroyed. No copies of records are kept in this system after the original of any copies are purged from the official personnel folders. When an employee leaves the agency through transfer or separation, the records are immediately forwarded to the office maintaining the official personnel folder. The records are then screened to ensure that nothing is missing in the official personnel folder and then destroyed. Purging information from electronic media meets this destruction requirement.

System manager and address: Agency officials with overall responsibility under their jurisdiction are Heads of Services and Staff Offices for Central Office employees and the Regional Administrators for regional employees. Officials responsible for geographically dispersed systems of records are the senior official at the facility or the supervisor of current and former employees or volunteers. The addresses of the Central Office and regional offices are listed in the appendix following this notice.

Notification procedure: Inquiries from individuals should be addressed to the supervisor or official at the address where the person worked. If not known, general inquiries should be addressed to the Head of the Service or Staff Office for Central Office employees, or to the Regional Administrator for regional office employees.

Record access procedures: Requests from individuals should be addressed to the supervisor or official at the address where the person worked. If not known, general requests should be addressed to the supervisor or official at the address where the person worked. If not known, general inquiries should be addressed to the Head of the Service or Staff Office for Central Office employees, or to the Regional Administrator for regional office employees. Individuals must furnish their full name, Social Security number, address, telephone number, and approximate dates and places of employment.

Contesting record procedures: General Services Administration rules for contesting the contents and appealing initial decisions are issued in 41 CFR 105-64.

Record source categories: Individuals, other employees, supervisors, personnel records, and third parties submitting indebtedness complaints.