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 OCR Coding Indexing Image Services Image Collage
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OCR/Coding/Indexing Services

  • OCR/Coding/Indexing Services
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  • Electronic Imaging Services
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  • UNICOR offers economic means of converting text, paper-based information and old electronic data to a new electronic form. Many organizations have made the investment to put their documents in image form for effective management, rapid retrieval and wider dissemination (through electronic media, online document retrieval systems, or publication on the Internet).

    Backfile conversion costs as much as 80% of the overall expense of changing from a manual to an automated document management system. UNICOR will show you the full value of your investment by significantly reducing the cost of these labor intensive activities. And that's not all. UNICOR can give you tips on how to further decrease your costs on backfile conversion.
    UNICOR has the resources to provide:

    • Full text capture through OCR or rekeying
    • Complete range of PDF output - including Hidden Text
    • SGML, HTML, and XML tagging for publishing and distribution
    • Manual proofing and editing to guarantee required accuracy
    • Complete indexing to assure ease of retrieval
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