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Compendium of Chemical Tools

Chemical Manufacturing Links

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This Web site provides rich information related to all aspects of the chemical industry. It includes projects from the Sector Strategies Program's Chemical Sector partnership, information on other relevant government programs, sector tools and reports, and additional links to related Web sites.

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Sarah Mazur (mazur.sarah@epa.gov)
National Chemical Sector Liaison
(202) 566-2652

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Sector Strategies' Developed Tools and Meeting Summaries

Below are some tools and meeting summaries for the sector that were developed as part of the Sector Strategies Program.

The EPA Voluntary Programs Guide identifies those programs that are most relevant to the specialty-batch chemical sector. This guide is intended to serve as a one-stop source for environmental managers in the specialty-batch chemical who seek to improve their company's environmental performance through a collaborative relationship with EPA.

The EMS Implementation Guide was jointly developed by the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association (SOCMA) and EPA's Sector Strategies Program. SOCMA has endorsed EMS's as an important part of their new ChemStewardsSM performance improvement program.Exit EPA Disclaimer

Principle Findings: The US Specialty-Batch Chemical Sector (PDF) (23 pp, 79K, About PDF)
This background document is the result of the research and validation phases of the sustainable industry process. An overview of the specialty-batch chemicals sector, this document also characterizes the traits, trends, drivers and barriers to environmental and economic performance.

Specialty Batch Chemical Sector Environmental Forum, September 2002, Summary of Proceedings (PDF) (31 pp, 88K, About PDF)
On September 4-5, 2002, EPA and SOCMA partnered to hold the "Specialty Batch Chemical Sector Environmental Forum." The Forum was designed to promote dialogue between federal and state regulators and industry leaders on the environmental opportunities and challenges facing the specialty batch chemical sector. The "Summary of Proceedings" from the Forum details the highlights of the forum including a presentation on SOCMA's Responsible Care® program, as well as a panel discussion on EPA voluntary programs and how they can help specialty-batch chemical companies to continuously improve their environmental performance.

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Government Programs

The National Environment Performance Track is designed to motivate and reward top environmental performance. Since the Program's launch in Summer 2000, over 300 facilities have been accepted as participants. Through a systematic approach to managing environmental responsibilities, taking extra steps to reduce and prevent pollution, and being good corporate neighbors, these facilities are leading the way to environmental excellence while saving money and improving their productivity. Performance Track defines what it means to be a top environmental performer and provides incentives to motivate further improvements.

The Air Toxics Web site website for the Pharmaceuticals Production Industry has a plain-English guidance and self audit checklist. It provides decision trees and flow diagrams to determine applicability and regulation requirements for affected sources. The plain-English also provides short answers to commonly asked questions and provides guidance on techniques described in the rule, such as batch pressure testing for leaks. The self audit checklist is a tool for walking through the requirements of the regulation to determine compliance status. (Marcia Mia (mia.marcia@epa.gov), (202) 564-7042).

Green Chemistry is the use of chemistry for pollution prevention. More specifically, is the design of chemical products and processes that are more environmentally benign. encompasses all aspects and types of chemical processes that reduce negative impacts to human health and the environment relative to the current state of the art. By reducing or eliminating the use or generation of hazardous substances associated with a particular synthesis or process, chemists can greatly reduce risk to human health and the environment. Promoting this new approach to pollution prevention through the environmentally-conscious design of chemical products and processes is the focus of EPA's Program, an initiative under the EPA Design for the Environment Program.

Industry of the Future: Chemicals U.S. DOE
Provides sector overview, industry links, and general information about the IOF batch chemical program.

Project XL

National Center for Environmental Research, U.S. EPA

Center for Waste Reduction Technologies Exit EPA Disclaimer

Chemical Vision 2020Exit EPA Disclaimer

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Chemical Vision 2020 Technology Partnership - Overview (PDF) (2 pp, 383K, About PDF)Exit EPA Disclaimer
A two-page overview and fact sheet that describes the purpose and scope of the Chemical Industry's Vision 2020.

Technology Vision 2020 Document (PDF) (77 pp, 248K, About PDF)Exit EPA Disclaimer
Technology Vision 2020 is a call to action, innovation, and change. The body of this report outlines the current state of the industry, a vision for tomorrow, and the technical advances needed to make this vision a reality. The vision, like the industry, will evolve as the industry faces new realities and challenges. Technology Vision 2020 is the first step of a continuous journey- one that will see the U.S. chemical industry continue as a global leader in the next century. We thank you, the reader, for considering our report and are grateful for the outstanding professional contributions of our many working members and reviewers.

EPA Sector Notebook - Inorganic Chemicals
EPA Sector Notebook - Organic Chemicals
Provides background information on the size, geographic distribution, employment, production, sales, and economic condition of the inorganic and organic chemicals industry.

Responsible Care Status Report 2000, International Council of Chemical Associates (PDF) (66pp, 1.2MB, About PDF)Exit EPA Disclaimer
Report outlines the progress of Responsible Care throughout the 46 countries where there are currently programs.

Inspection Tool for the Hazardous Organic NESHAP (HON): Volume I (PDF) (133 pp, 663K, About PDF)
Overview of Emission Points, Control Technology and HON Provision. Identifies sources of hazardous organic emissions regulated under CAA NESHAP requirements.

Introduction to the Chemical Import Requirements of Toxic Substance Control Act (PDF) (11 pp, 98K, About PDF)
Designed to inform small chemical importers or agents about their potential obligations under the Toxic Substance Control Act the "Introduction to the Chemical Import Requirements of the Toxic Substances Control Act" is a compliance assistance brochure that also assists these companies determine whether their imports are subject to Customs certification requirements. It is aimed at businesses that may know that they need to certify TSCA compliance but who do not understand why or when. It covers the major sections of TSCA particularly as it pertains to imports.

Users can obtain a hard copy of this brochure from the National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP) by calling (513) 489-8190 or (800) 490-9198. Document number is EPA 305-B-99-001. They can also obtain this document from the TSCA hotline at (202) 554-1404.

EPA/CMA Root Cause Analysis Pilot Project: An Industry Survey (PDF) (104 pp, 5.7MB, About PDF)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the regulated community continually seek effective and efficient methods of improving compliance with environmental regulations. From 1996 through 1998, EPA and the Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA) worked together to pilot an approach for identifying and evaluating the root causes (that is, underlying causes) of noncompliance with regulatory requirements, to identify recommendations for improving compliance, and to provide insight into the effect of environmental management systems (EMS) on compliance. To obtain information from certain CMA member facilities, the project team developed a survey focused on the following four questions:

This report summarizes survey responses to questions regarding the root and contributing causes of noncompliance and makes recommendations, for industry and government, to improve compliance with environmental regulations. The report should be of value to the regulated community, state and federal regulators, and other persons interested in the challenge of promoting regulatory compliance. A thorough examination of the causes of noncompliance is a valuable tool that can help improve compliance and minimize the occurrence of noncompliance. Any root cause analysis should focus on an exhaustive and diligent identification of all causes and the implementation of corrective measures that may yield long-term solutions. Because of the limitations of the data on which this report is based (addressed in more detail on page 5) the results of this survey are representative only of large CMA member facilities in the project's study population. Beyond this study population, the project findings should be considered largely as a guide to further root cause research.

Chemical Industry National Environmental Baseline Report 1990 to 1994 (PDF) (153 pp, 5.4MB, About PDF)
EPA developed the Chemical Industry Baseline Compliance Report (EPA 305-R-96-002) as a baseline against which to measure compliance trends among the various subsectors of the chemical manufacturing industry. Through an analysis of data related to economics, demographics, the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), compliance monitoring actions, and violations and enforcement actions, the baseline report provides an overview of the U.S. chemical industry sector as a whole (Standard Industrial Classification [SIC] codes in the 2800 series) and its subsector components (SICs 281 to 289). It is intended for use by regulators, states, industry, and the public as a general profile of the chemical industry and its environmental performance from 1990 to 1994. The baseline report provides information that may serve as a catalyst for the development of innovative compliance initiatives and similar profiles for this and other sectors on a state or regional basis.

RCRA Subpart CC Compliance Assistance Tool
The Office of Compliance, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards and the Office of Solid Waste at EPA worked with the Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA) and the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association (SOCMA) to develop a compliance assistance tool for the RCRA Subpart CC rule. The tool contains a compliance assistance guide, training materials and a self-audit checklist for the rule. For more information, contact Walt DeRieux at (202) 564-7067 or E-mail at derieux.walter@epa.gov.

The RCRA Phase 2, Organic Air Emissions Standards (PDF) (8 pp, 333K, About PDF) pamphlet developed by EPA Region III provides information on the requirements of the Phase 2 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) organic air emission standards contained in 40 CFR Parts 264/265, subpart CC.

Process-Based Self Assessment Tool for the Organic Chemical Industry (PDF) (408 pp, 3MB, About PDF)
This guide is a resource on Federal environmental regulations for small- to medium-sized organic chemical manufacturing facilities. The purpose of this manual is two-fold: 1) to provide a general approach for performing a multimedia self-assessment to evaluate compliance with environmental regulations, and 2) to provide industry-specific process and regulatory information necessary for conducting an assessment at an organic chemical manufacturing facility. The general approach section describes the steps for planning, conducting, and following up a multimedia self-assessment. Industry-specific information is given to supplement the generic self-assessment approach. This document describes processes found throughout the chemical manufacturing industry and identifies potential releases from each process and the environmental legislation associated with them. Additional regulatory requirements (such as applicability, exemptions, monitoring, record keeping, and reporting) potentially affecting organic chemical manufacturers are summarized by statute in the appendices.

Web sites

American Chemistry Council's Responsible Care® Practitioners SiteExit EPA Disclaimer
Offers information on what's new in Responsible Care® "This Week," general information about the program, Responsible Care® awards, Responsible Care® conferences, reaching out to the public, certification, partnership programs, international and domestic alliances and communicating Responsible Care®.

ChemIndustry.comExit EPA Disclaimer
A free service, ChemIndustry.com is the leading comprehensive directory and search engine for chemical and related industry professionals, engaged in every discipline, from discovery through development, manufacturing and marketing. Their database of Web sites is fully indexed and contains the full text of millions of pages. The site contains information on Chemical Manufacturers, resources appropriate for the industry, organizations and industry services. There is an extensive list of data focused on top chemical producers from the U.S. and around the world.

Chemicalvision2020.orgExit EPA Disclaimer
Website features loads of information about the Chemical Vision 2020.

Compliance Assistance Tools from ChemAllianceExit EPA Disclaimer
This innovative site offers a number of features to help chemical manufacturers understand the regulations they face. Offers a virtual tour of a chemical plant to show which regulations are likely to apply to certain processes and areas of manufacturing. Gives a summary and background information on major regulations affecting the industry, provides link to the actual regulations and offers a list of contacts that can help firms meet and exceed regulation requirements.

New Jersey Technical Assistance Program's Regulatory PagesExit EPA Disclaimer
This site for Environmental Regulatory Compliance Self-Assessment for Small and Mid-Sized Industrial Facilities presents you with several questions and suggestions to help address your facility's historical background, current operations, air emissions, liquid effluents, storage tanks, solid waste generation and management of hazardous waste. The page is meant to supplement existing regulations, not to replace them.

Pollution Prevention Checklist for Chemical Manufacturing FacilitiesExit EPA Disclaimer
A pollution prevention guide for small chemical manufacturers, developed by ChemAlliance.

History of Canada's Chemical Producers'Exit EPA Disclaimer
A report by the Canadian Chemical Producers' Association, the association that began the Responsible Care initiative.

Responsible Care Status Report (Europe) 2000 (PDF) (40 pp, 1.08MB, About PDF)Exit EPA Disclaimer
Status report for European initiatives of Responsible Care. Responsible Care History Brochure.

Best Manufacturing Practices Web Site: Foundations for Excellence in the Chemical Process IndustriesExit EPA Disclaimer
This page offers a list of resources that pertain to the Best Manufacturing Practices for the Chemical Process Industries. Provides an industry overview and data on several aspects of the sector including technical operations, employability

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Trade associations

The Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association OrganizationExit EPA Disclaimer represents the interests of more than 300 member companies, encompassing every segment of industry from small specialty producers to large multinational corporations.

Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association
1850 M St N.W., Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 721-4100

The American Chemistry CouncilExit EPA Disclaimer is the voice of the US Chemical Industry. It represents the chemical industry on public policy issues, coordinates the industry's research and testing programs, and administers the industry's environmental, health, and safety performance improvement initiative, known as Responsible Care. Start here for pertinent information concerning the Responsible Care initiative and for continually updated news stories that focus on the chemical industry. The ACC also provides newsletters focusing on current research efforts in chemistry. The Council also supports a number of public and children's health initiatives that are based on scientific research, valid chemical testing and responsible manufacturing practices.

American Chemistry Council
1300 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 741-5000

The American Chemical SocietyExit EPA Disclaimer consists of more than 163,000 members at all degree levels in all fields of chemistry. The Society was founded in 1876 and continues its long tradition by providing a broad range of opportunities for peer interaction and career development, regardless of professional or scientific interests. A visit to the ACS Web site will give users the opportunity to read the latest chemical industry headlines, view an extensive list of upcoming events, and view the latest publications from leading researchers and organizations. News about the chemical industry and the environment is also provided. Most of the services are provided free of charge, but registering with the Society offers additional benefits.

American Chemical Society
Washington, DC Headquarters
1155 Sixteenth Street, NW
Washington DC, 20036
(800) 227-5558 (US only) or (202) 872-4600

American Chemical Society
Chemical Abstracts Service
2540 Olentangy River Road
PO Box 3012
Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 447-3600

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)Exit EPA Disclaimer is a professional association of more than 50,000 members that provides leadership in advancing the chemical engineering profession. Its members are creative problem-solvers who use their scientific and technical knowledge to develop processes and design and operate plants to make useful products at a reasonable cost. Chemical engineers are also at the forefront of research to assure the safe and environmentally-sound manufacture, use, and disposal of chemical products. AIChE fosters and disseminates chemical engineering knowledge, supports the professional and personal growth of its members, and applies the expertise of its members to address societal needs throughout the world. AIChE has an extensive library focused on Chemical Industry Vision 2020 Technology Partnership, the efforts of industry, government and academe to focus research efforts on industry identified priorities.

AIChE Customer Service
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
3 Park Ave, New York, N.Y., 10016-5991
(800) 242-4363 (U.S.) or (212) 591-8100

ChemAllianceExit EPA Disclaimer is your source of up-to-date information concerning the environmental regulations affecting the chemical industry. ChemAlliance is run by the National Center for Clean Industrial Treatment Technologies (CenCITT), a research consortium dedicated to advancing pollution prevention, along with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (designated by DOE as the lab for the Chemical Industry of the Future Program) and the University of Wisconsin's Solid and Hazardous Waste Education Center. Significant funding is made available through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The Chemical Industry Center makes available a wealth of detailed information on federal regulations and pollution prevention practices, including plain-English guides, pertinent interpretative memoranda, compliance checklists, fact sheets, and links to technical assistance providers, state/local regulators, and professional and industry organizations. Contact Emily Chow, 202-564-7071

The Consumer Specialty Products AssociationExit EPA Disclaimer serves makers of formulated products for home and commercial use since 1914 and is the premier recognized trade association representing the interests of the consumer specialty products industry. CSPA's members total more than 220, and include companies engaged in the manufacture, formulation, distribution and sale of consumer specialty products for household, institutional and industrial use. Several thousand professionals actively participate in CSPA committees and meetings each year. All told, CSPA member companies account for more than $14 billion in annual revenues.

CSPA works to focus attention on technologies that can impact seven chemical sectors: Aerosol, Air Care, Antimicrobial Products, Detergents, Industrial and Automotive Specialty Chemicals, Pesticides, Polishes and Floor Maintenance. It also publishes a number of works that are available after a paid registration. These include its flagship quarterly journal, Chemical Times & Trends, Executive Newswatch, Results for Industry and a number of other studies, surveys, scientific reports and technical manuals aimed to improve companies' performance.

The Council for Chemical ResearchExit EPA Disclaimer (CCR) is an organization based in Washington, D.C., whose membership represents industry, academia, and government. CCR was formed in 1979 to promote cooperation in basic research and encourage high quality education in the chemical sciences and engineering. The mission of the CCR is to enhance research in chemistry-based sciences, engineering, and technology that benefits society and the national well-being, through productive interactions among industrial, academic, and governmental research sectors. CCR's membership represents most of the U.S. chemical research enterprise, currently comprising more than 200 companies, universities, and government laboratories with a combined R&D budget of more than $7 billion.

The Soap and Detergent AssociationExit EPA Disclaimer is the non-profit trade association representing over 100 North American manufacturers of household, industrial and institutional cleaning products; their ingredients; and finished packaging.

Established in 1926, SDA is dedicated to advancing public understanding of the safety and benefits of cleaning products, and protecting the ability of its members to formulate products that best meet consumer needs. SDA serves both its members and the public by developing and sharing information about industry products with the technical community, policy makers, child care and health professionals, educators, media and consumers. This page has good info on technical publicationsExit EPA Disclaimer - many of which you can order free copies.

The Soap and Detergent Association
1500 K Street, NW Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 347-2900
(202) 347-4110

State trade organizations

Florida Manufacturing and Chemical Council Exit EPA Disclaimer

Louisiana Chemical AssociationExit EPA Disclaimer

Louisiana Chemical Industry AllianceExit EPA Disclaimer

Maryland Chemistry and Industry Technology AllianceExit EPA Disclaimer

Chemistry Council of New JerseyExit EPA Disclaimer

Manufacturers and Chemical Industry Council of North CarolinaExit EPA Disclaimer

Industry and Technology Council of Central OhioExit EPA Disclaimer

Ohio Chemistry Technology CouncilExit EPA Disclaimer

Pennsylvania Chemical Industry CouncilExit EPA Disclaimer

Texas Chemical CouncilExit EPA Disclaimer

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