USAID/El Salvador
USAID/El Salvador

Government of El Salvador:
  • Export Promotion Agency (EXPORTA)
  • Investment Promotion Agency (PROESA)
  • Ministry of Agriculture (MAG)
  • Ministry of Economy (MINEC)
  • Ministry of Education (MINED)
  • Ministry of Finance (MOF)
  • Ministry of Health and Public Assistance
  • Ministry of Public Works
  • National Commission for Micro and Small Enterprise (CONAMYPE)
  • National Secretariat for Families (SNF)
  • Salvadoran Institute for Integrated Development of Children and Youth (ISNA)
  • Social Investment Fund for Local Development (FISDL)
  • Superintendent of Electricity and Telecommunications (SIGET)
  • Superintendent of Financial System (SSF)
  • Superintendent of Pensions

NGOs, PVOs, Private Firms:

  • Aid to Artisans (ATA)
  • American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM)
  • Agroindustrial Chamber of El Salvador (CAMAGRO)
  • ALFA Center, S.A. de C.V.
  • American Institutes for Research (AIR)
  • Academy for Educational Development (AED)
  • Bearing Point
  • Foundation for Economic and Social Development (FUSADES)
  • CARE
  • Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
  • Chemonics International
  • CLUSA de El Salvador
  • Development Associates, Inc. (DA)
  • Development Alternatives Inc.
  • DevTech Systems Inc.
  • Education Development Center (EDC).
  • El Salvador Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCSE)
  • Foundation of Entrepreneurs for Educational Development (FEPADE)
  • Foundation for Small and Medium Enterprise Sustainable Development (FUNDAPYME)
  • FINTRAC, Inc.
  • Foundation of Training and Social and Economic Development (FUCADES)
  • Foundation for the Competitiveness of Micro and Small Enterprise (CENTROMYPE)
  • Georgetown University (GU)
  • InterAmerican Institute for Agricultural Cooperation
  • Local Microfinance Institutions
  • Metropolitan Community College of Omaha, Nebraska
  • Nathan Associates, Inc.
  • P.A. Consulting
  • Salvadoran Association of Specialty Coffee
  • Salvadoran Industrials Association (ASI)
  • Salvadoran Exporters Corporation (COEXPORT)
  • Save the Children
  • Sesame Workshop
  • TechnoServe
  • University of Central America (UCA)

Other Donors:

  • German Cooperation Agency (GTZ)
  • Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
  • Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
  • United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
  • United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

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