Department of Defense Postal Conference

The Military Postal Service Agency will host the 2008 Department of Defense Postal Conference at the Doubletree Hotel at the Entrance of Universal Studios, 5780 Major Boulevard, Orlando, Florida 32819, June 2-6, 2008.

This year's conference combines the Official Mail Manager (OMM) Workshop, Joint Military Postal Activity (JMPA) Atlantic and Pacific Conferences. This allows for the sharing of ideas, information, and professional development among members of the postal community which is particularly beneficial between members of the Official Mail and Military Postal Service communities.

The conference is open to all DoD Component postal personnel including contract employees and will consist of joint sessions to discuss and present topics such as mail screening, mail center security, and how to reduce postage costs. Separate breakout sessions geared specifically toward OMM training, Service, JMPA and Theater specific topics will also be provided.

Registration forms and fee of $155.00 are due not later than March 21, 2008. Payment MUST accompany a completed registration form . Registration confirmation letters will be provided via emai l upon completion of registration. Receipts will be provided at the closure of the workshop. Absolutely NO telephonic or walk-in registrations will be accepted.

The only methods of payments accepted will be GOVERNMENT MASTERCARD and VISA Credit Cards, a government or personal check, or money order. Please make checks or money orders payable to MPSA Workshop Fund. Our credit card processor requires an original signature (no faxed registrations will be accepted). MAIL to : DoD Postal Conference, Military Postal Service Agency, 2461 Eisenhower Avenue, Ste 814, Alexandria, VA 22331-0006.

Registration Form