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Compliance and Enforcement Quick Finder


Storm Water - Small Business Assistance

The Texas Natural Resouce Conservation Commission has a Small Business Assistance Program that assists small businesses in achieving environmental compliance for small businesses in Texas. You may contact the Small Business Assistance Program at (800)447-2827 or visit their web page at: www.tceq.state.tx.us/assistance/sblga/sblga.html Exit EPA Disclaimer

Small Businesses in North Texas may receive free and confidential assistance in achieving environmental compliance from the North Texas Small Business Development Center's Environmental Assistance Program. For more information, contact the Bill Priest Institute of El Central College: Ron Gordon at (214)860-5821 or Cheri Hebison at (214)860-5845 or visit their web page at: www.billpriestinstitute.org Exit EPA Disclaimer

Here are some useful Compliance Assistance Resources:


EPA is implementing the NPDES Storm Water program in two phases.  Phase II went into effect February 7, 2000.  Those industrial facilities meeting the definition of "Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity" under Phase I of the regulations were to have applied for NPDES permit coverage by October 1992. Medium (>100,000) and large (>250,000) municipalities were to have applied for a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System NPDES storm water permit.  Small (<100,000) municipalities' under Phase II are required to obtain an NPDES permit by March 10, 2003.  Please direct any questions regarding Storm Water Phase II regulations to sw2@epamail.epa.gov or to Brent Larsen of EPA Region 6, or visit the EPA HQ's Office of Water Storm Water Web page at:  http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/swphases.cfm

Here is a Phase II Power Point Presentation by EPA dated October 1998.  Mr. Everett Spencer made an MS4/Construction PowerPoint Presentation on June 13, 2002, in Beaumont, Texas.

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