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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ETA

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 639  

Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification

20 CFR 639.3 - Definitions.

  • Section Number: 639.3
  • Section Name: Definitions.

    (a) Employer. (1) The term ``employer'' means any business 

enterprise that employs--

    (i) 100 or more employees, excluding part-time employees; or

    (ii) 100 or more employees, including part-time employees, who in 

the aggregate work at least 4,000 hours per week, exclusive of hours of 


Workers on temporary layoff or on leave who have a reasonable 

expectation of recall are counted as employees. An employee has a 

``reasonable expectation of recall'' when he/she understands, through 

notification or through industry practice, that his/her employment with 

the employer has been temporarily interrupted and that he/she will be 

recalled to the same or to a similar job. The term ``employer'' includes 

non-profit organizations of the requisite size. Regular Federal, State, 

local and federally recognized Indian tribal governments are not 

covered. However, the term ``employer'' includes public and quasi-public 

entities which engage in business (i.e., take part in a commercial or 

industrial enterprise, supply a service or good on a

mercantile basis, or provide independent management of public assets, 

raising revenue and making desired investments), and which are 

separately organized from the regular government, which have their own 

governing bodies and which have independent authority to manage their 

personnel and assets.

    (2) Under existing legal rules, independent contractors and 

subsidiaries which are wholly or partially owned by a parent company are 

treated as separate employers or as a part of the parent or contracting 

company depending upon the degree of their independence from the parent. 

Some of the factors to be considered in making this determination are 

(i) common ownership, (ii) common directors and/or officers, (iii) de 

facto exercise of control, (iv) unity of personnel policies emanating 

from a common source, and (v) the dependency of operations.

    (3) Workers, other than part-time workers, who are exempt from 

notice under section 4 of WARN are nonetheless counted as employees for 

purposes of determining coverage as an employer.

    (4) An employer may have one or more sites of employment under 

common ownership or control. An example would be a major auto maker 

which has dozens of automobile plants throughout the country. Each plant 

would be considered a site of employment, but there is only one 

``employer'', the auto maker.

    (b) Plant closing. The term ``plant closing'' means the permanent or 

temporary shutdown of a ``single site of employment'', or one or more 

``facilities or operating units'' within a single site of employment, if 

the shutdown results in an ``employment loss'' during any 30-day period 

at the single site of employment for 50 or more employees, excluding any 

part-time employees. An employment action that results in the effective 

cessation of production or the work performed by a unit, even if a few 

employees remain, is a shutdown. A ``temporary shutdown'' triggers the 

notice requirement only if there are a sufficient number of 

terminations, layoffs exceeding 6 months, or reductions in hours of work 

as specified under the definition of ``employment loss.''

    (c) Mass layoff. (1) The term ``mass layoff'' means a reduction in 

force which first, is not the result of a plant closing, and second, 

results in an employment loss at the single site of employment during 

any 30-day period for:

    (i) At least 33 percent of the active employees, excluding part-time 

employees, and

    (ii) At least 50 employees, excluding part-time employees.

Where 500 or more employees (excluding part-time employees) are 

affected, the 33% requirement does not apply, and notice is required if 

the other criteria are met. Plant closings involve employment loss which 

results from the shutdown of one or more distinct units within a single 

site or the entire site. A mass layoff involves employment loss, 

regardless of whether one or more units are shut down at the site.

    (2) Workers, other than part-time workers, who are exempt from 

notice under section 4 of WARN are nonetheless counted as employees for 

purposes of determining coverage as a plant closing or mass layoff. For 

example, if an employer closes a temporary project on which 10 permanent 

and 40 temporary workers are employed, a covered plant closing has 

occurred although only 10 workers are entitled to notice.

    (d) Representative. The term ``representative'' means an exclusive 

representative of employees within the meaning of section 9(a) or 8(f) 

of the National Labor Relations Act or section 2 of the Railway Labor 


    (e) Affected employees. The term ``affected employees'' means 

employees who may reasonably be expected to experience an employment 

loss as a consequence of a proposed plant closing or mass layoff by 

their employer. This includes individually identifiable employees who 

will likely lose their jobs because of bumping rights or other factors, 

to the extent that such individual workers reasonably can be identified 

at the time notice is required to be given. The term ``affected 

employees'' includes managerial and supervisory employees, but does not 

include business

partners. Consultant or contract employees who have a separate 

employment relationship with another employer and are paid by that other 

employer, or who are self-employed, are not ``affected employees'' of 

the business to which they are assigned. In addition, for purposes of 

determining whether coverage thresholds are met, either incumbent 

workers in jobs being eliminated or, if known 60 days in advance, the 

actual employees who suffer an employment loss may be counted.

    (f) Employment loss. (1) The term ``employment loss'' means (i) an 

employment termination, other than a discharge for cause, voluntary 

departure, or retirement, (ii) a layoff exceeding 6 months, or (iii) a 

reduction in hours of work of individual employees of more than 50% 

during each month of any 6-month period.

    (2) Where a termination or a layoff (see paragraphs (f)(1)(i) and 

(ii) of this section) is involved, an employment loss does not occur 

when an employee is reassigned or transferred to employer-sponsored 

programs, such as retraining or job search activities, as long as the 

reassignment does not constitute a constructive discharge or other 

involuntary termination.

    (3) An employee is not considered to have experienced an employment 

loss if the closing or layoff is the result of the relocation or 

consolidation of part or all of the employer's business and, prior to 

the closing or layoff--

    (i) The employer offers to transfer the employee to a different site 

of employment within a reasonable commuting distance with no more than a 

6-month break in employment, or

    (ii) The employer offers to transfer the employee to any other site 

of employment regardless of distance with no more than a 6-month break 

in employment, and the employee accepts within 30 days of the offer or 

of the closing or layoff, whichever is later.

    (4) A ``relocation or consolidation'' of part or all of an 

employer's business, for purposes of paragraph Sec. 639.3(h)(4), means 

that some definable business, whether customer orders, product lines, or 

operations, is transferred to a different site of employment and that 

transfer results in a plant closing or mass layoff.

    (g) Unit of local government. The term ``unit of local government'' 

means any general purpose political subdivision of a State, which has 

the power to levy taxes and spend funds and which also has general 

corporate and police powers. When a covered employment site is located 

in more than one unit of local government, the employer must give notice 

to the unit to which it determines it directly paid the highest taxes 

for the year preceding the year for which the determination is made. All 

local taxes directly paid to the local government should be aggregated 

for this purpose.

    (h) Part-time employee. The term ``part-time'' employee means an 

employee who is employed for an average of fewer than 20 hours per week 

or who has been employed for fewer than 6 of the 12 months preceding the 

date on which notice is required, including workers who work full-time. 

This term may include workers who would traditionally be understood as 

``seasonal'' employees. The period to be used for calculating whether a 

worker has worked ``an average of fewer than 20 hours per week'' is the 

shorter of the actual time the worker has been employed or the most 

recent 90 days.

    (i) Single site of employment. (1) A single site of employment can 

refer to either a single location or a group of contiguous locations. 

Groups of structures which form a campus or industrial park, or separate 

facilities across the street from one another, may be considered a 

single site of employment.

    (2) There may be several single sites of employment within a single 

building, such as an office building, if separate employers conduct 

activities within such a building. For example, an office building 

housing 50 different businesses will contain 50 single sites of 

employment. The offices of each employer will be its single site of 


    (3) Separate buildings or areas which are not directly connected or 

in immediate proximity may be considered a single site of employment if 

they are in reasonable geographic proximity, used for the same purpose, 

and share the same staff and equipment. An example is an employer who 

manages a number

of warehouses in an area but who regularly shifts or rotates the same 

employees from one building to another.

    (4) Non-contiguous sites in the same geographic area which do not 

share the same staff or operational purpose should not be considered a 

single site. For example, assembly plants which are located on opposite 

sides of a town and which are managed by a single employer are separate 

sites if they employ different workers.

    (5) Contiguous buildings owned by the same employer which have 

separate management, produce different products, and have separate 

workforces are considered separate single sites of employment.

    (6) For workers whose primary duties require travel from point to 

point, who are outstationed, or whose primary duties involve work 

outside any of the employer's regular employment sites (e.g., railroad 

workers, bus drivers, salespersons), the single site of employment to 

which they are assigned as their home base, from which their work is 

assigned, or to which they report will be the single site in which they 

are covered for WARN purposes.

    (7) Foreign sites of employment are not covered under WARN. U.S. 

workers at such sites are counted to determine whether an employer is 

covered as an employer under Sec. 639.3(a).

    (8) The term ``single site of employment'' may also apply to truly 

unusual organizational situations where the above criteria do not 

reasonably apply. The application of this definition with the intent to 

evade the purpose of the Act to provide notice is not acceptable.

    (j) Facility or operating unit. The term ``facility'' refers to a 

building or buildings. The term ``operating unit'' refers to an 

organizationally or operationally distinct product, operation, or 

specific work function within or across facilities at the single site.

    (k) State dislocated worker unit. The term ``State dislocated worker 

unit'' means a unit designated or created in each State by the Governor 

under title III of the Job Training Partnership Act, as amended by 


    (l) State. For the purpose of WARN, the term ``State'' includes the 

50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 

and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
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