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Administrative Lean

Starter Kit Primer Kit

Download the Starter Kit       
PDF, 75 pages, 818KB, About PDF

Download the Primer
PDF, 55 pages, 1.22MB, About PDF
Lean in Air Permitting Guide: A Supplement to the Lean in Government Starter Kit (PDF, 28 pages, 368KB, About PDF)
Administrative Lean Fact Sheet (PDF, 2 pages, 302KB, About PDF)

Environmental Agencies Using Lean are Achieving Impressive Results

Since 2003 public environmental agencies have dramatically improved agency permitting and administrative processes using Lean and Six Sigma process improvement methods. Within a few months of implementation, agencies have achieved impressive results, including:

All of this was done while improving staff morale and increasing the transparency of their processes to stakeholders, without sacrificing environmental protection goals or reducing value-added activities and time.

Agencies are targeting diverse processes such as air permitting, national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permitting, leaking underground storage tank (LUST) corrective action processes, agency magazine production and redesign, and pollution prevention planning processes.

EPA's Administrative Lean Initiative

EPA, in collaboration with the Environmental Council of States (ECOS)Exit EPA Disclaimer, is working to support environmental agencies use of Lean and Six Sigma. This website contains information and resources to assist government agencies in using Lean to improve the efficiency of their processes and programs and to foster continuous improvement. Recent EPA/ECOS documents include:

Lean at EPA and Other Federal Agencies Lean at State Agencies

For more information about EPA’s Administrative Lean initiative, contact Jamie Burnett at (burnett.jamie@epa.gov) or (202) 566-2205.

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