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                      Humanities:                                                                        The Magazine of the                                                        National Endowment for the Humanities
  Cover of March/April 2009 Humanities, San Bauderlio de Berlanga, circa 1000. —Photo by Jerrilynn D. Dodds
San Bauderlio de Berlanga, circa 1000.
—Photo by Jerrilynn D. Dodds
Renaissance Scholar at Work
Humanities discusses art and the achievements of the Endowment with outgoing NEH Chairman, Bruce Cole.
Thieves of Pleasure
A vicious fraternal war rewards Alfonso VI with the artistic and poetic treasures of
By Jerrilynn D. Dodds, María Rosa Menocal, and Abigail Krasner Balbale
Outside the Frame
How Asia changed the course of American art.
By James Panero
The Voracious Pen of Thomas Carlyle
A young historian pours forth The French Revolution, blood and all, inspiring a generation of Victorian writers.
By Meredith Hindley
A Poet’s Inner Eye
A literary scholar looks for Elizabeth Bishop in the fishing waters of Florida.
By Carol Frost
British Modernism’s Many Manners
The Bloomsbury group broke ties with Victorian ideals and reimagined British art.
By Steve Moyer
In Focus
Oklahoma’s Ann Thompson finds inspiration in Lincoln.
By Sonya Colberg
Recluse at court; Letters home; How to lose weight and gain power.
Who Said It?
Test your knowledge of revolutionary thinkers.
Impertinent Questions
with Philip Nel on the man behind the Grinch.
Past issues of Humanities are archived online.
Subscribe to Humanities magazine here.