National Park Service - Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program NPS Arrowhead
Alaska Region
National Park Service assistance for community conservation
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Conserv. Assistance
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Funding & Grants
Organization Building
A trail group looking over map of Rabbit Creek Trail
Scenic shot of boaters enjoying a river trip
IMBA group outing at Kepler-Bradley Lakes Recreation Area
RTCA technician using GPS mapping system
Kevin Keeler mapping Homer area trails via snowmachine

Funding & Grants

While the RTCA program doesn't offer grants or funding, we can suggest good funding sources.

To help you get started, here's a list of organizations that offer financial support for locally-led conservation projects. For more information, contact the organization directly or ask us for help.

Also, check out the new Conservation Assistance Tools. It's a searchable database of grants, cost sharing, and technical assistance designed to help local communities reach the information, potential partners, and financial support needed to complete grassroots conservation projects in the western United States.

Another great source is the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy's Trail & Greenway Funding Guide. Click on Technical Assistance and then Funding Database to reach this searchable database that contains information about a variety of federal, state and private funding sources for trails and greenways.

Quick List
AK RTCA Contacts
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National Contacts
State and Local Programs
Federal Programs
Alaska RTCA Contacts

The Alaska Funding Exchange -

Active Living By Design - Promotes an active lifestyle through funding of projects - Also, has a great categorized online resources page.

bulletAmerican Planning Association (APA)
bulletAmerican Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)
bulletAudubon Society
bulletBullitt Foundation
bulletCenter for Watershed Protection
bulletThe Conservation Fund
bullet2000 Kodak American Greenway Awards Program
bulletConservation Technology Information Center (CTIC)
bulletKnow Your Watershed
bulletFish & Wildlife Foundation (& USFWS)
bullet5-Star Restoration Foundations
bulletIzaack Walton League of America (IWLA)
bulletSave Our Streams
bulletStream Doctor
bulletNational Trust for Historic Preservation
bulletResource Conservation & Development Councils (RC&D)
bulletRiver Network Funding Directory (RN)
bulletThe Nature Conservancy (TNC)
bulletTrust for Public Land (TPL)

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State and Local Programs
bulletAmericorps / VISTA
bulletChambers of Commerce
bulletCommunity Fundraisers
bulletCorporate Volunteers & Funding
bulletPreservation 2000
bulletFlorida Forever
bulletLand & Water Conservation Fund
bulletLocal Bond money
bulletLocal Utilities Commission
bulletMedia Attention
bulletNational Guard Construction Program
bulletPreservation/Conservation Easements
bulletPrivate donations from individuals
bulletState Arts & Humanities Programs
bulletState Department of Natural Resources Stewardship Funds
bulletState Department of Transportation (often manages the TEA-21)
bulletState Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)
bulletState Lotteries Environmental Grants
bulletState Office of Travel & Tourism (ie marketing grants)
bulletState Parks Grants Programs
bulletStatewide Revolving Funds for Preservation/Conservation
bulletState Trails Fund (if any)
bulletSuppliers, Vendors (donations of materials)
bulletTEA-21 (Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, formerly ISTEA)
bulletTransportation Enhancements Program
bulletRecreational Trails Fund
bulletScenic Byways
bulletCongestion & Air Quality Mitigation (CMAQ)
bulletBike/Ped Multi-Modal Transportation
bulletTech Companies
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Federal Programs
bulletAmericorps / VISTA
bulletEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)
bulletBrownfields Program
bulletClean Water Act funds
bullet319 Funds – nonpoint source management
bulletWetlands Grants
bulletFederal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA)
bulletProject Impact
bulletFederal Line Item
bulletFederal Highway Administration (FHWA)
bulletTransportation Community System Preservation (TCSP)
bulletHousing and Urban Development (HUD)
bulletEmpowerment Zones/ Enterprise Communities (EZ/EC)
bulletNational Guard Construction Program
bulletNational Park Service (NPS)
bulletNational Park Service Challenge Cost Share
bulletGuide to Federal Funding & Assistance, 1996
bulletGuide to Foundation Grants, 1996
bulletLand & Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)
bulletListing in the National Register of Historic Places
bulletMulti-Objective Management Funding (MOM)
bulletSave America’s Treasures Program
bulletUrban Park Recreation & Recovery (UPARR)
bulletNatural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
bulletStream Restoration & other programs
bulletNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
bulletCommunity Restoration Program
bulletOffice of Surface Mining (OSM)
bulletClean Streams Initiative
bulletAMD & Art
bulletArmy Corps of Engineers (USACE)
bulletSection 1135
bulletUS Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)
bulletUS Forest Service (USFS)
bulletstate and private forestry program
bulletUS Geological Survey (USGS)
bulletCommunity Federal Information Partnership

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Last modified: 10/23/03