DBTAC: Pacific ADA Center (Region IX)

Welcome. The purpose of the Pacific ADA Center (Pacific DBTAC) is to build a partnership between the disability and business communities and to promote full and unrestricted participation in society for persons with disabilities through education and technical assistance.

ADA Symposium

2009 National ADA Symposium: Revitalizing the ADA

June 8th - 10th, 2009
Hyatt Regency Crown Center
Kansas City, MO

Save the Date The theme of the 2009 Symposium is Revitalizing the ADA. The passage of the ADA Amendments Act reaffirmed the American commitment to creating an accessible and inclusive society for people with disabilities and their families. In response, the 2009 National ADA Symposium will be expanded to include several new features.

Visit the National ADA Symposium and Expo Web site for details

Accessible tech Web site

Accessible Technology for All:

The purpose of AccessibleTech.org is to build a partnership between the disability and business communities and to promote full and unrestricted participation in society for persons with disabilities through the promotion of technology that is accessible to all.

Technology makes access to jobs, goods, and services possible for people with disabilities - easier for all.

Visit AccessibleTech.org today at www.AccessibleTech.org

In the News

Read about landmark SettlementThe ADA Amendments Act of 2008 Now Law

On January 1, 2009 the ADA Amendment Act (ADAAA) went into effect. The ADAAA was supported by more than 220 national organizations, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the American Society of Employers, disability organizations, veterans’ groups, church organizations, and the National Association of Manufacturers. The bill passed the House on a vote of 402 to 17, and unanimously passed the Senate. On September 25, 2008, President George W. Bush signed the ADAAA into law.

Read the Press Release (HTML) | Read the Press Release (PDF)

Distance Learning Series

The Distance Learning Series provides in-depth information on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Accessible Information Technology and other related topics.

To register or for more information, visit our Distance Learning page.

Contact Us

555 12th Street, Suite 1030
Oakland, CA 94607

Technical Assistance RepresentativeTechnical Assistance:
Voice & TTY Toll-Free: 1-800-949-4232
Voice & TTY Local: (510) 285-5600
Fax: (510) 285-5614
E-mail the Pacific ADA Center

Free ADA HAT!!!!

ADA Commemorative Hat.

The Pacific ADA Center is seeking feedback about your satisfaction with our web site Please go to our Web site Survey Page, Fill out the survey and enter your contact information. We will randomly select individuals to receive professionally designed commemorative hats that celebrate the 15th anniversary of the ADA. Winners will be chosen each week while supplies last. Take the survey and secure your piece of ADA history.

Video: How to Improve ROI: Employment Solutions for Small Business

A round table discussion among small businesses of their decision of hiring people with disabilities. Sponsored by the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP). Visit the ODEP Web site

ADA Assistance

We guide communities towards a better understanding of compliance with current disability-related legislation, and present factual information on how the ADA impacts individual rights and responsibilities.

Visit Our ADA Assistance page for more information.

E-mail Us

If you have any questions or if you require any type of assistance, send us an email message.

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