J. David Hood - Acting Regional Administrator, Great Lakes Region

Photo of J. David Hood Region 5 Acting Administrator

J. David Hood was appointed Acting Regional Administrator of GSA’s Great Lakes Region effective January 20, 2009.

In his new post, Hood is responsible for a property portfolio comprising 34 million square feet of offices and workplaces in nearly 1,000 buildings owned by the federal government or leased by GSA for other federal agencies.

Hood continues to serve as Regional Commissioner of the Public Buildings Service, heading the GSA's operations in the six-state Great Lakes Region of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Hood joined GSA’s Great Lakes Regional Office in 1971 as an intern before becoming a real estate appraiser, a project manager, and eventually serving as the director of planning and the deputy assistant regional administrator.  In 1993, Hood moved to the agency’s former Federal Supply Service, where he served as assistant regional administrator for nine years. 

Hood is a graduate of Drury College in Springfield, Missouri and has a master’s degree in political science from the University of Chicago.  Hood has served as a member and president of the planning commission and a trustee on the LaGrange Village Board.


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Last Reviewed 3/31/2009