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What's New in the ADS for September 2005

Updated: September 30, 2005
Browse Series: 100 | 200 | 300 |400 | 500 | 600
Series 100: Agency Organization and Legal Affairs

Series 100 Interim Update #05-06, Annual Requirement to file the Confidential Financial Disclosure Form (OGE-450)

Issued: 09/13/2005

Posted Date: 09/26/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

Bureau AMS's and Mission EXO's have designated those employees required to file the OGE-450 for this cycle, which covers the period from October 1, 2004 through September 30, 2005.

Series 100 Interim Update #05-05, Procedure for Requesting Clearance to Accept Complimentary Invitations to Attend Widely Attended Gatherings

Issued: 09/06/2005

Posted Date: 09/14/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

Government-wide rules prohibit employees from accepting gifts from outside sources under many circumstances. These rules can be found in section 2635.204 of the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch.

Series 200: Programming Policy

ADS 253, Training for Development

Revised: 09/14/2005

Posted Date: 09/26/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

The new chapter 1) removes policies governing J-1 visas that now appear in the recently issued ADS 252; 2) establishes that employees of USAID contractors are not eligible for participant training; 3) explains new requirements for issuing bills of collection to participants who do not return to their home country after completing their training to fulfill the two-year residency requirement; 4) clarifies roles and actions required of the Sponsoring Unit, the Mission or Regional Controller, EGAT/ED, and the Office of Financial Management as they relate to recovering training program costs from non-returnees; and 5)) includes new text in the Conditions of Sponsorship form (AID 1381-6).

The new chapter also establishes parameters for participants' arrival in the U.S. before the program start date and limits the length of time they are authorized to remain in the U.S. after the program ends.

Series 200 Interim Update #05-08, New Microenterprise Legislation: Significant Implications for Missions and Other Operating Units (A reference for ADS 219)

Issued: 09/19/2005

Posted Date: 09/26/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

Following protracted negotiations between USAID, Congress and the microenterprise/microfinance practitioner community, HR 3818, the "Microenterprise Results and Accountability Act of 2004" became Public Law 108-484 on December 23, 2004. In response to concerns expressed primarily by nonprofit practitioners about trends in USAID microenterprise funding and procurement mechanisms, Congressional oversight committees have been closely scrutinizing our work in this field.

Series 300: Acquisition & Assistance

Series 300 Interim Update #05-04, New Marking Rule for Assistance Awards

Issued: 08/25/2005

Posted Date: 09/06/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

As part of our branding campaign to credit the American people for the foreign assistance they finance, we engaged in "Administrative Rulemaking" to revise our marking requirements for grants and cooperative agreements. Tomorrow, the Final Rule titled, "Administration of Assistance Awards to U.S. Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs); Marking Requirements," will be published in the Federal Register; it can be accessed at It is a new federal regulation that officially requires all programs, projects, activities, public communications, and commodities we (partially or fully) fund to be "marked" with, or visibly bear, the new USAID Standard Graphic Identity that clearly communicates our aid is, "From the American People." Our new Marking requirements for U.S. NGOs will become effective on January 2, 2006. USAID Agreement Officers will incorporate these marking requirements in all new awards—and some existing awards if funds are available—obligated after that date.

Series 500: Management Services

ADS 545, Information Systems Security

Revised: 09/28/2005

Posted Date: 09/30/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

M/AA is pleased to announce formally that it has revised ADS Chapter 545, Information Systems Security, in its entirety. The revision is effective on September 30, 2005. Internal Mandatory References will be forthcoming.

The revision states policies, derived from Federal regulations, mandates, and directives, which are necessary to establish and maintain a security level that meets or exceeds the requirement to provide "adequate security" for USAID's information systems.

ADS Chapters and Authors List, mandatory reference for ADS 501

Revised: 09/08/2005

Posted Date: 09/14/2005

Authorized Senders For Agency Notices, a mandatory reference for ADS 504

Revised: 09/23/2005

Posted Date: 09/27/2005

Series 500 Interim Update #05-08, Premium Class Air Travel

Issued: 08/26/2005

Posted Date: 09/06/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

This is to clarify notice 0894 that revised ADS 522.5.8, dated 8/25/05, Premium Class Travel. The change just indicates that USAID does not follow State Department's Business Class Policy.

Series 500 Interim Update #05-07, Premium Class Air Travel

Issued: 08/25/2005

Posted Date: 09/06/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

ADS 522.5.8 has been revised to include the following statement: "This regulation supersedes any other guidance on business class travel. In particular, the provisions of 14 FAM 567.2-4 do not apply to USAID."

Series 600: Budget and Finance

ADS 621, Obligations

Revised: 09/13/2005

Posted Date: 09/23/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

ADS 621, Obligations, and two internal mandatory references, Deobligation Guidebook and Reobligation Policy, have been revised and are effective as of August 4, 2005. As recommended by the OIG in their FY 2003 and FY 2004 Government Management Reform Act (GMRA) audit reports, M/CFO, in consultation with M/OAA, PPC, and the Bureaus/Missions, expanded policy and procedural guidance for the careful reviews needed to identify unliquidated obligations that are no longer needed.

ADS 630, Payables Management

Revised: 08/25/2005

Posted Date: 09/06/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

The revision to ADS-630 adds the requirements for the Improper Payments Act of 2000, Pub. L. 107-300, and a new section on the requirements for Intra-governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC) billing activity. IPAC activity includes the requirements for special processing considerations such as ICASS and other Washington based payments made on behalf of Missions.

The revision adds a section on financial documentation responsibilities.

The roles and responsibilities of the Cognizant Technical Officer and Certifying Officer are clarified in this revision.

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Tue, 18 Oct 2005 12:02:56 -0500