U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
and Initiatives


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Office of tribal self-governance


  1. Develops and oversees the implementation of Tribal Self-Governance legislation and authorities in the IHS, under Title V of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, Pub. L. 93-638, as amended;

  2. Develops and recommends policies, administrative procedures, and guidelines for IHS Tribal Self-Governance activities, with maximum input from IHS staff and workgroups, Tribes and Tribal organizations, and the Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee;

  3. Advises the IHS Director on Agency compliance with Self-Governance policies, administrative procedures and guidelines and coordinates activities for resolution of problems with appropriate IHS and HHS staff;

  4. Provides resource and technical assistance to Tribes and Tribal organizations for the implementation of the Tribal Self-Governance Program (TSGP);

  5. Participates in the reviewing of proposals from Tribes for Self-Governance Planning and Negotiation Cooperative Agreements and recommends approvals to the IHS Director;

  6. Determines eligibility for Tribes and Tribal organizations desiring to participate in the TSGP;

  7. Oversees the negotiation of Self-Governance compacts and annual funding agreements with participating Tribal governments;

  8. Identifies the amount Headquarters managed funds necessary to implement the Funding Agreements and prepares annual budgets for available Tribal shares in conjunction with IHS Area and Headquarters components;

  9. Coordinates reconciliation of funding agreements with IHS Headquarters components, Area Offices, and participating Tribes;

  10. Serves as the principal IHS office for developing, releasing, and presenting information on behalf of the IHS Director related to the IHS Tribal Self-Governance activities to Tribes, Tribal organizations, HHS officials, IHS officials, and officials from other Federal agencies, State and local governmental agencies, and other agencies and organizations;

  11. Arranges national Self-Governance meetings to promote the participation by all American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes in IHS Self-Governance activities and program direction;

  12. Participates in meetings for Self-Governance Tribal delegations visiting IHS Headquarters; and

  13. Participates in cross-cutting issues and processes including, but not limited to emergency preparedness/security, budget formulation, self-determination issues, Tribal shares computations and resolution of audit findings as may be needed and appropriate.

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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852