U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
and Initiatives


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Office of tribal self-governance

Self-Governance Data

The Federal commitment to raise the health status of American Indian and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) in partnership with Tribal governments is longstanding. Tribal Self-Governance has demonstrated the ability to improve AI/AN health.

In 1996, the Tribal Self-Governance Program users comprised more than 26% of the overall IHS users, but received only 14% of the budget funds. Today, 38% of the total IHS users are in the Tribal Self-Governance program; and 33%, which equates to over $1 billion, of the IHS budget goes to Tribal Self-Governance Program users. The gap is closing. In the past 10 years:

  • The number of Self-Governance Compacts and Funding Agreements has more than doubled, going from 29 compacts and 41 funding agreements in 1996 to 73 compacts and 94 funding agreements in 2007.
  • The number of Tribes in the Tribal Self-Governance Program has risen from 225 (representing 42% of federally recognized Tribes) to 323 (representing 57% of federally recognized Tribes).
  • The funding level for the Tribal Self-Governance Program has more than tripled, and the percent of the overall IHS budget that is allocated to the program has more than doubled.

These numbers demonstrate the strength of the Self-Governance program growing, the proportion of funding to number of users in the program becoming more equitable; more Tribes exercising their self-determination rights; and more of the IHS budget going directly to Tribes to exercise that right.

FY 2007 Self-Governance Data Table [XLS-43KB]

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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852