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UNICOR Federal Bonding Program

The UNICOR Federal Bonding program is designed to provide theft insurance to employers who hire ex-federal offenders. The Inmate Transition branch of the Federal Bureau of Prisons/UNICOR will administer the program. Bonding coverage up to $5,000 will be available to employers that hire ex-federal offenders after February 1, 2006.

Employers that have hired eligible ex-offenders may apply (on a standard application form) for the insurance, at no cost to the employers or to the employees. The initial bond, paid for by UNICOR, covers the first six months of employment and is renewable by the employers at commercial rates. In the event of theft of money or property the provided insurance will reimburse the employers up to the bond value.

Eligibility: An ex-offender must have worked in UNICOR for at least six months during incarceration in a federal correctional institution and must seek coverage within one year after release. Each offender will be entitled to coverage for one job after residence in a Residential Re-entry Center (RCC - or half-way house) is completed.

Program Information

  Program Summary
Employment Folder sample
Sample Letter
Bulletin board posters

  • Materials will be made available in institution inmate libraries and employment resource centers.
  • IFBC - Institution Federal Bonding Coordinators
  • Information materials are being made available from RRC's and federal probation offices.

  • Institution Staff or Employers can contact: The Inmate Transition Branch Federal Bonding Specialist, Ray King will be available at 202-305-3553 to answer any questions about the program.

    Other Bond Coverage

    For ex-offenders without UNICOR work experience, a prospective employer or employee applies to any state employment service (See Directory of State Bonding Coordinators) office and shows that a valid job exists, that the applicant is qualified for it, and that the bonding company would deny coverage.

    For more information about any aspect of the Federal Bonding Program, call or write:

    Federal Bonding Program
    1725 DeSales Street N.W. Suite 900
    Washington, D.C. 20036

    202-293-5566 or 800-233-2258

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