Preparing for a Career in Clinical Research in Kidney & Urologic Diseases : NIDDK

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Preparing for a Career in Clinical Research in Kidney & Urologic Diseases

A Practical Workshop for Fellows and Junior Faculty
Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, D.C.
July 9-10, 2004


The goal of the program is to provide a broader knowledge base for participants, so that they compete more effectively for research funding.

Highly trained clinical researchers are needed to capitalize on the many profound developments and discoveries in the basic sciences, and to translate them to clinical settings. Unfortunately, formal training in clinical research is often fragmented, producing a workforce that is unprepared for such tasks. The Division of Kidney, Urologic and Hematologic Diseases of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases is sponsoring a workshop, Preparing for a Clinical Research Career in Kidney & Urologic Diseases, a two-day opportunity to learn the skills needed for a successful clinical research career and the skills to effectively compete for research funding. The training program will include state-of-the-art lectures, mentored training sessions on clinical research and study design for kidney and urologic diseases, grant writing, and a mock study section.


July 9, 2004

7:00 a.m.

7:30 a.m. Introduction
Josephine Briggs, NIDDK, Organizing Committee & NIDDK Staff

7:45 a.m. Key Note Speakers 
Developing A Structured Clinical Research Career
Nephrology - Robert Toto, UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Urology  
Claus G. Roehrborn, UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas 

8:55 - 9:45 a.m. Am Breakout Sessions On Career Development Adult Nephrology
Starting Out - Overcoming Barriers & Moving Up
Michele Winn, Duke University

Starting out – Negotiating a Job & Research Support
(managing research time and clinical load)
Sharon M. Moe, Indiana University School of Medicine

Pediatric Nephrology
Starting Out - Overcoming Barriers & Moving Up
Mary B. Leonard, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Starting out – Negotiating a Job & Research Support (managing research time and clinical load)
Russell Chesney, Le Bonheur Childen's Hospital

Adult and Pediatric Urology
Starting Out - Overcoming Barriers & Moving Up
Craig Peters, Children’s Hospital of Boston

Starting out – Negotiating a Job & Research Support
(managing or time, research time and clinical load)

Wade Bushman, University of Wisconsin Medical School

9:50-10:50 a.m. Am Access To Relevant Resources

Nih Career Awards - Terry Bishop, NIDDK

Nih Research Support - Robert Star, NIDDK
How the NIH works
NIH support mechanisms (R03, R21, R01, P01, U01)
How to resubmit a grant
Additional Potential Resources: GCRCs, roadmap, repository resources

11:00 a.m. Clinical Research

Clinical Trial Design & Clinical Epidemiology
Thomas Greene, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Symptom Based Trials And Epidemiology
Kathleen Propert, University of Pennsylvania,
School of Medicine

Using Available Expertise in Designing and Conducting a Clinical Study
David Penson, University of Southern California


12:30 p.m. Working Lunch – Niddk Staff Q&A

1:30 p.m.  Breakout Session Journal Club – Analysis Of Natural History Of Disease And Interventional Clinical Studies

Adult Nephrology
Natural History of Disease Study
Two Interventional Studies Robert Toto,
UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Sharon M. Moe, Indiana University School of Medicine
Thomas Hostetter, NIDDK
Robert Star, NIDDK
Catherine M. Meyers, NIDDK
Josephine Briggs, NIDDK

Adult Urology
Natural History of Disease Study
Two Interventional Studies
Claus G. Roerhborn, UT Southwestern Medical
Center at Dallas
Leroy Nyberg, NIDDK
Kathleen Propert, University of Pennsylvania,
School of Medicine
David Penson, University of Southern California 

Pediatric Nephrology & Urology
Natural History of Disease Study
Three Interventional Studies
Sandra Watkins, University of Washington
Marva Moxey-Mims, NIDDK
Barry A. Kogan, Albany Medical Center
Stuart Howards, NIDDK
3:30 p.m. Break

3:45-4:45 p.m. Interactive Panel Discussion “Putting It All Together”
Craig A. Peters, Children’s Hospital of Boston
Wade Bushman, University of Wisconsin Medical School
Mary Leonard, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Michele Winn, Duke University
Robert Toto, UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas

5:30 p.m. Cocktails and Dinner 

July 10 2004

8:30 a.m.
The Real World: Ethics, Regulatory Affairs, and Implementation
Ethical Framework
David Wendler, NIH

Implementation Issues: Recruitment, Chart Review, Solicitation Regulatory Issues of Clinical Research (IRB, Compliance, Patient Privacy, Examples of Difficult Situations, FDA and NIH guidelines)
Sharon Moe, Indiana University School of Medicine
Catherine M. Meyers , NIDDK

10:00 a.m. Break

10:15 a.m. Getting Funded
Grant Writing and Preparing an NIH Grant Application
Study Section Expectations
Monica Liebert, American Urological Association

Study Section Expectations for Career Grants
Michele Barnard, NIDDK
Terry Bishop, NIDDK

Study Section Expectations for R01, R21, U01
Leroy Nyberg, NIDDK
Marva Moxey-Mims, NIDDK
Josephine Briggs, NIDDK


12:15 p.m. Working Lunch in Breakout Sessions

1:00 p.m. Mock Study Sections
Discussion of Five Clinical Grants: K23, R01, and R21
Frank Calvo, NIDDK
Michele Barnard, NIDDK
Terry Bishop, NIDDK
Robert Star, NIDDK
Leroy Nyberg, NIDDK
Marva Moxey-Mims, NIDDK
Catherine M. Meyers, NIDDK
Stuart Howards, NIDDK
Josephine Briggs, NIDDK

Adult Nephrology
Adult Urology
Pediatric Nephrology
Pediatric Urology

3:00 p.m. Score Reviews and Comments

4:00 p.m. Adjourn

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Page last updated: November 25, 2008

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