U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
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CDE Administrator Functions


This help section covers the tasks required of the Continuing Dental Education (CDE) Administrator within the Division of Oral Health (DOH) as they pertain to CDE. The CDE Administrator is responsible for all CDE activities in the Division. These duties can be grouped as follows:


The CDE Administrator has access to all of the pages within the CDE web site. However, the pages most often used to fulfill administrative tasks are:

  • CDE Home to log into the Indian Health Service (IHS) Internet
  • Admin Catalog to create a new catalog
  • Add Course to create a new course and add it to the catalog
  • Copy Courses to copy courses from the current or previous catalogs into the current catalog
  • Edit Course to assign Instructors and Course Directors, edit and confirm content, other course administration tasks, and request review of a course
  • Admin System to publish a catalog
  • Course Detail to view the contents of a course, adding and deleting comments, contacting students, uploading course materials, changing the course status, and accessing and printing reports
  • Admin Staff to track course requests, approve / deny requests, and change staff member status within a course
  • Quick Course Entry to enter course numbers for personnel
  • Modify Status to change the status of personnel and courses
  • Overview to review CDE statistics within the Division
  • Add Student to add students to “By Request” courses
  • Track Attendance to enter full attendance and post-course work completion date for a student
  • Attendance Detail to enter partial attendance for a student

If you are new to the role of CDE Administrator, we encourage you to take the tutorial (Flash or text version) for instruction on the CDE system and an overview of main tasks.

My CDE | Catalog |  Help |  Disclaimers

If you have any questions about this site please email: Mary Beth Kinney

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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852