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Healthy Eating

Maybe you have some friends with older relatives who have diabetes. They'll say things like, "Yeah, my grandma has diabetes and she can hardly eat anything!" You may think a "diabetes diet" means "rabbit food." And it's true that we used to think people with diabetes had to be very careful about what they ate -- no sugar, no treats, not too many carbs. But we now know that this is not true. You don't have to eat "special foods" or give up your favorite foods. These days, there is no "diabetes diet."

The Food Pyramid
The food pyramid is an easy way to remember the healthiest way to eat.

The Big Three
Find out about the three kinds of nutrients you need to have in the foods you eat.

Meal Planning
Learn how to use carbohydrate counting to balance your food and insulin.

Portion Sizes
A quick way to make sure you're eating a variety of healthful foods at each meal is to "Rate Your Plate."

The Scoop on Sugar
Sugar is not evil. It's just a type of carbohydrate.

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