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Implications of Project Size in Section 811 and Section 202 Assisted Projects for Persons with Disabilities (March 2005, 72 p)

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In recent years, there has been growing interest among different groups representing and serving persons with disabilities in providing more mainstream housing opportunities for this constituency. This research investigates the social and economic implications of project size in Section 811 and Section 202 (direct loan) projects for persons with disabilities, their residents, and the immediate neighborhoods. A congressional mandate requires that this study look specifically at the benefits and problems associated with providing Section 811 housing in projects with 7 or fewer units, 8 to 24 units, and more than 24 units; and the benefits and problems associated with providing housing for non-elderly persons with disabilities under the Section 202 (direct loan) program, in projects having 30 to 50 units, 51 to 80 units, 81 to 120 units, and more than 120 units. This report presents the study’s findings.


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