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What's New at our Center?

Call for Abstracts for RCAP National Conference: Deadline: February 6, 2009

The 2009 RCAP national conference will be April 16-18, 2009 at Indiana University. The conference “HIV/STD Prevention in Rural Communities: Sharing Successful Strategies VI,” will be conducted at the Indiana Memorial Union on the IU campus. The deadline for submission of abstracts for presentations is February 6, 2009. Click here for a pdf of the conference brochure that provides information on submitting an abstract, registration, and hotel. Click here to register for the conference.

Ryan White Distinguished Leadership Award

RCAP has initiated an award to recognize outstanding leadership in HIV/STD prevention, called the Ryan White Distinguished Leadership Award.  This award is in recognition of Ryan White, a rural Indiana youth who contracted HIV in 1984 and died in 1990. Ryan faced discrimination that drew national attention. He was a powerful spokesperson for AIDS research and education. This award will be given at each RCAP national conference.

The first recipient of this award is Jeanne White Ginder, Ryan's mother. Jeanne became an advocate for HIV/AIDS education and an activist for the rights of persons living with HIV/AIDS after her son was banned from school. Jeanne is a most deserving first recipient of the Ryan White Distinguished Leadership Award.

The award will be presented to Jeanne at the RCAP conference Saturday noon luncheon/keynote address on April 18, 2009.  Jeanne will make the presentation, "The Legacy of Ryan White" on Saturday morning prior the noon luncheon.

2008 RCAP Monograph Available

RCAP published its seventh monograph dealing largely with HIV/STD prevention and research in rural communities. Click on the above "Monograph Articles" tab for PDFs of the table of contents, each article, and contributors list. Free copies of the monograph are available from RCAP.

New Fact Sheet Available

RCAP recently developed a new fact sheet, “Behavioral Interventions for Reducing Sexual Risk.” Click the “fact sheet” tab for a PDF copy. Contact RCAP for free copies of the printed fact sheet (multiple copies are available for no charge).

2007 Conference Proceedings Available

The proceedings for the fifth RCAP national conference, “HIV/STD Prevention in Rural Communities: Sharing Successful Strategies V,” conducted at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, April 5-7, 2007, is available.  Contact RCAP for a free copy – be sure to provide your name and mailing address.

New Fact Sheet Available

RCAP recently developed a new fact sheet, "HIV/AIDS Mass Media Campaigns." Click the "fact sheet" tab for a PDF copy. Contact RCAP for free copies of the printed fact sheet (multiple copies are available for no charge.)

New Fact Sheet Available

RCAP has recently developed a new fact sheet "Condom Breakage: Possible Causes and Avoidance." Click the "fact sheet" tab for a PDF copy. Contact RCAP for free coipies of the printed fact sheet (multiple copies are available for no charge.)

RCAP Received New Funding

RCAP is pleased to announce that it has received a 5-year extension of it's cooperative agreement with the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The new award started March 1, 2006 and RCAP will receive about $247,000 each year for 5-year period. For this new award, RCAP will be a joint project of Indiana University, University of Colorado, and the University of Kentucky, headquartered at IU. We are most pleased to continue our efforts toward HIV/STD prevention in rural communities, and have several new activities planned. We will keep you informed.

2005 RCAP Monograph Available

RCAP has published its sixth monograph dealing largely in HIV/STD prevention and research in rural communities. Table of Contents is available for review. Contact RCAP for free copies of the sixth monograph.

Native American Communities Guidelines Available

In collaboration with the National Native American AIDS Prevention Center,RCAP has developed the prevention guidelines, HIV/STD Prevention Guidelines for Native American Communities: American Indians, Alaskan Natives, & Native Hawaiians. Copies are available free of charge. For special purposes, multiple copies can be provided. Contact RCAP to request free copies. Also, the entire document is available as PDF files (view cover; view guidelines).

2005 Conference Proceedings Available

The proceedings for the fourth RCAP national conference, "HIV/STD
Prevention in Rural Communities: Sharing Successful Strategies IV,"
conducted at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, April 7-9, 2005 is available. Contact RCAP for a free copy.

2003 RCAP Monograph Available

RCAP has published its fifth monograph dealing largely in HIV/STD prevention and research in rural communities. Table of contents is available for review. Contact RCAP for free copies of the fifth monograph.

The National Network of Rural HIV/STD Prevention Specialists Initiated

In our continued efforts to provide information and support for rural HIV/STD prevention specialists, RCAP has established a national coalition, The National Network of Rural HIV/STD Prevention Specialists, or The Rural Network. This coalition provides an electronic forum (e.g. email list-serve) for exchanging information, for offering help and support to rural communities, and to provide networking opportunities. Periodically a specific issue or question will be presented on the list-serve and members will be invited to provide information, suggestions, and viewpoints, allowing an on-going discussion of HIV/STD prevention issues in rural areas. Ideas for discussion will be solicited from The Rural Network membership.

Membership is free. To become a member of The Rural Network, contact RCAP. Provide your (1) name, (2) professional position, (3) address, (4) email address, (5) fax address, and (6) phone number. Members will receive our monthly prevention bulletin, RAP* Time, notices of other RCAP publications, information about our national conference, and notification about other publications and meetings relative to HIV/STD prevention in rural communities.

Standards for STD/HIV Prevention Curricula in Secondary Schools Available

A checklist of 63 standards that school officials and educators can use to evaluate their existing STD/HIV prevention education programs or to develop new curricula and materials was published in the October/November 2002 issue of the SIECUS Report. The standards, authored by RCAP senior director, William L. Yarber, include topics, essential messages, and learning approaches, emphasizing health-enhancing behaviors. A free copy of the standards is available from RCAP.

Second Edition of School STD/HIV Curriculum Available

The second edition of the secondary school curriculum, STDs & HIV: A Guide for Today's Teens, is now available from AAPHERD Publication Sales (1-800-321-0789; Authored by William L. Yarber and co-sponsored by RCAP, the curriculum applies the most effective health promoting principles and includes an interactive student guide and an instructor's manual that has 19 learning opportunities, lesson plans, test questions, resources, handouts and student worksheets.

RCAP Provides Fax/E-Mail Information Service

To further our goal of providing current HIV/STD information to rural prevention specialists, RCAP issues monthly bulletins, RAP Time. This publication is available either as a fax bulletin or email (plain script), or both. If you would like to receive these free bulletins, please contact RCAP. For the fax version, please include name and fax number. For the e-mail version, please include your name and e-mail address.




CDC Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention

CDC Division of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

CDC National Prevention Information Network

CDC: MMWR Weekly Report


American Social Health Association

Kaiser Family Foundation

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS

World Health Organization

JAMA HIV/AIDS Information Center


Yahoo HIV/AIDS References