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Federal Oil and Gas Leasing Information

In May 1999, the BLM held its first lease sale on Alaskan federal lands since 1984 offering nearly 3.9 million acres within northeast National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A). The BLM has since held four more lease sales in the NPR-A. Leasing in the northeast was offered again in 2002, and the northwest in 2004 and 2006 and both in 2008.  

Outside the Petroleum Reserve on lands leased under the authority of the Mineral Leasing Act (MLA), the BLM will make federal lands available for leasing consistent with decisions made in the various land use plans. Additional information regarding BLM planning efforts can be found on the BLM ALaska Planning page. 

**CORRECTION NOTICE**  September 4, 2008
2008 NPR-A Detailed Statement of Sale

**CORRECTION NOTICE**  August 28, 2008
2008 NPR-A Detailed Statement of Sale

National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska, Oil and Gas Lease Sale 2008, Bureau of Land Management, Alaska State Office - Detailed Statement of Sale

Q&As About Oil and Gas Leasing:


Leasing Laws and Authorities

Leasing Regulations 

Instruction Memorandum 2003-131: Permitting Oil and Gas on Split Estate Lands and Guidance for Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 1

National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska 1999, 2002, 2004 and 2006 Lease Sale Results


Other Links:

For questions regarding leasing on BLM lands, please contact Public Center at 907-271-5960.