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In this issue
Edition: U.S.
Vol. 173 No. 19
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Republicans in the Wilderness: Is the Party Over? (The Well / Cover Story)
Lacking leadership and fresh ideas, the GOP has officially entered the political wilderness. It could take years to find the way back

Living with Infidelity By Elizabeth Edwards (Book Excerpt)
'After I cried and screamed, I went to the bathroom and threw up.'

The Fire This Time: Is This Health Care's Moment? (Commentary / In the Arena)
Democrats are preparing another push for universal health care. It might actually succeed

How the Republicans Can Come Back (Viewpoint)
To rise again, Republicans must return to first principles and accept the realities of a new age

The Breedy Bunch (Commentary / Tuned In)
How cable's megafamily reality shows captivate parents and push our social buttons

Do-It-Yourself Heroes
In tough times, the virtues that inspire us are old-fashioned, unglamorous and hiding in plain sight

The Old Bibi or A New One? (The Well / Profile)
Israel's Prime Minister is on his way to Washington with a newfound reputation for pragmatism. We'll see

The Montana Town That Wanted to Be Gitmo (Postcard: Hardin)
With its costly new prison standing empty, a Montana community hopes to lure inmates from the world's most infamous detention center. The town that would be Gitmo

A Brief History Of: Supreme Court Nominations (Briefing)

The Skimmer (Briefing)
Book Review: The Media Relations Department of Hizbollah Wishes You a Happy Birthday by Neil MacFarquhar


The World (Briefing)

Marilyn French (Briefing / Milestones)

The Moment (Briefing)
5|6|09: Washington

Pop Chart

Milestones (Milestones)

Jack Kemp (Briefing / Milestones)

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How to Prepare for a Pandemic (The Well / Science)
The H1N1 virus may be fizzling out for now, but new diseases will always threaten us--unless we strengthen our global warning system

Building a Better Vaccine (The Well / Science)

The Vitamin-D Debate (Life / Fit Nation)
The sunshine vitamin may help protect against cancer and flu, but how much do we need daily?

Eat Local. (Life / Food)
As regional fare gets harder to find, two new books celebrate America's culinary heritage. Squirrel mulligan, anyone?

Rocking Out at Denny's? (Life / Nightlife)
To draw a younger crowd, the chain is amping up its late-night vibe. Drunks welcome

The Pontiff And the Jews (The Well / Religion)
As Benedict visits the Holy Land, a look at why his views on Judaism are still causing tremors

Investing for a Rebound (The Well / Economy)
When you rebuild your portfolio, the shape of an economic recovery--V, U or W--is as important as the timing

How to Save BIGGER (The Well / Economy)
Need to spend less? Here's the best way to go about it. Hint: It's not just the little things that add up

Recession Bee (Economy)
Here's a matrix of investments that do well, based on the shape of an economic recovery and your age. But don't bet your retirement on any one scenario--diversification works in a rebound too

Going Up (Movies)
Pixar's latest triumph mines buoyancy from the depths of an old man's grief

Chorus of Laughter (Television)
The delightful, devilish Glee parodies High School Musical's themes and American Idol's dreams

He Could Not Stop for Death (Books)
Christopher Buckley, son of William F., writes about losing his parents

The Un-Idol (Music)

Short List

10 Questions for J.J. Abrams (10 Questions)
The Lost co-creator directs the latest film in the Star Trek franchise. J.J. Abrams will now take your questions

The TIME 100 Gala
At our fifth annual dinner, Michelle Obama praised social entrepreneurs, John Legend rocked out, and Oprah toasted her schoolteachers


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Interior Secretary KEN SALAZAR, addressing a question about safety concerns in the crown of the Statue of Liberty, which will reopen on July 4 — the first time since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks