Dmitry Korotayev/Epsilon/Getty
Russian soldiers march during a Victory Day parade rehearsal in Alabino, outside Moscow, Russia.

Russia Moves to Ban Criticism of WWII Win

As Russia gears up to celebrate its World War II victory over the Nazis, the Kremlin wants to make it an offense to question the might and right of the Soviet forces


The Middle East Blog

Where Blogging Can Get You Killed

Authoritarian regimes have been unable to stop the march of media freedom, but they continue to try. And bloggers are in the crosshairs — sometimes literally.

The China Blog

Taking a Stand at Sea

Beijing's official response to the latest confrontation between Chinese "fishing boats" and a U.S. navy surveillance vessel shows this problem is going to be around for a while and could get ugly.


10 Questions for Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

The Liberian President has a new memoir, This Child Will Be Great. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will now take your questions


Inside Mexico's Drug Tunnels

Mexico's cartels employ increasingly sophisticated technology to burrow under the border

Special Report

The Best of Asia 2009

Our annual guide to the region's finest delights — for mind, body and soul

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Interior Secretary KEN SALAZAR, addressing a question about safety concerns in the crown of the Statue of Liberty, which will reopen on July 4 — the first time since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks