(l. to r.): Jonathan Gregson / Getty; Lambert / Archive Photos

As Newsrooms Cut Back, Who Covers the Statehouse?

Lots of newspapers can't afford to cover the State House anymore. Here are two models for who might


The Curious Capitalist

Job Losses Continue to Break New Ground

The official monthly employment numbers released this morning, while somewhat less bad than those of the past few months, didn't offer much in the way of succor.

Nerd World

Collusion Will Save America's News Media

Is it wrong that I sort of ... almost ... agree with Rupert Murdoch on newspapers charging for content?

Money & Main St.

Investing for a Rebound

When you rebuild your portfolio, the shape of an economic recovery--V, U or W--is as important as the timing

Special Report

Absorbing a Setback

AbTech's founder couldn't sell his pollution solution to Big Oil. Turns out that big cities need it more


Family Tech: SuperSecret.com

Josh Quittner learns about a new social networking site for tweens from the SuperSecret CEO and the world's worst sock puppet

Quotes of the Day »

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Interior Secretary KEN SALAZAR, addressing a question about safety concerns in the crown of the Statue of Liberty, which will reopen on July 4 — the first time since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks