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National Recreation and Park Association - NRPA

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

22377 Belmont Ridge Road
Ashburn, VA 20148-4501

703-858-0784 (Voice)
703-858-0794 (FAX)


The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), founded in 1965 by the merger of seven organizations, promotes the interests of the park and recreation movement through public information, political advocacy, research, and professional development. Through its divisions and programs, the NRPA strives to build public awareness of the role of physical fitness in health, encourages recreation among the elderly, and promotes standards for recreation services for the handicapped. The NRPA's National Therapeutic Recreation Society is working to improve professional qualifications and standards. Other NRPA services include accreditation of colleges/universities, advocacy, continuing education programs, meetings and conferences, a library on park and recreation interests, an information clearinghouse, and answers to technical questions.

Online Resources

Print Resources

The NRPA Publications Center offers books on recreation, leisure, and park services. Serial publications: Parks and Recreation, (magazine), monthly; Dateline: NRPA (newsletter), bimonthly; Journal of Leisure Research, quarterly--articles on research developments; Therapeutic Recreation Journal, quarterly--articles on research development. Recreation and Parks Law Reporter, quarterly-- articles on personal injury suits against recreation and park agencies.

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Review Date

Thu Jun 26, 2008