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NCI Drug Dictionary

A synthetic 4-azasteroid compound with antiandrogenic activity. Dutasteride competitively and specifically binds to isoenzymes 1 and 2 of 5-alpha-reductase, forming stable enzyme complexes and inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT); the reduction in DHT activity may mitigate or prevent enlargement of the prostate gland. The type 2 5-alpha-reductase isoenzyme is primarily active in the reproductive tissues while the type 1 isoenzyme is also active in skin and the liver. Check for active clinical trials or closed clinical trials using this agent. (NCI Thesaurus)

US brand name:Avodart
Code name:GG 745
Chemical structure names:
  • alpha,alpha,alpha,alpha',alpha',alpha'-Hexafluoro-3-oxo-4-aza-5alpha-androst-1-ene-17beta-carboxy-2',5'-xylidide
  • Avolve,(5alpha,17beta)-N-(2,5-Bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-3-oxo-4-azaandrost-1-ene-17-carboxamide

Previous:DT(388)IL3 fusion protein, DTA-H19 plasmid, DTIC-Dome, duborimycin, duloxetine hydrochloride
Next:Dynacin, E-Mycin, E7080, E7820, echinomycin